Civilization A complex society in which people make advances in the arts, science, religion, and law.
Irrigation Using ditches and canals to bring water to a dry place.
Cuneiform Style of writing that used wedge shapes.
ancient Very old
Pharaoh A king of ancient Egypt.
pyramid A stone monument that served as a tomb in ancient Egypt.
mummy A body prepared in a special way for burial.
hieroglyphics A kind of writing based on pictures and signs.
subcontinent A large mass of land that is part of a continent.
caste A social class into which people are born.
Dynasty A family that rules for several generations in a row.
Compass A device with a magnetic needle that points north.
Silk Road The long route that linked China with the rest of Asia and Europe.
City-state A city or town and its surrounding lands.
Alphabet A set of symbols that stand for spoken sounds.
Republic Government in which people vote for leaders to represent them.
Empire A group of nations joined under one government.
Architecture The design of buildings
Aqueduct The system of pipes and waterways that carries water.
Manor Farmland owned by a lord or lady.
Peasant A poor farm worker.
Commerce The buying and selling of foods.
Guild A group of people who do the same work and are joined together for an economic reason.
Renaissance In Europe, a period of new interest in art, literature, science, and architecture.
Monarchy A nation ruled by one person.
Colonization The act of setting up colonies.
Dictatorship A government with a single leader.
Communism A system in which the government, not the people, owns the country’s land, resources, and means of production.