Natura 2000 in the Netherlands John Janssen Alterra, Wageningen (NL)


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Presentation transcript:

Natura 2000 in the Netherlands John Janssen Alterra, Wageningen (NL)

The Netherlands Atlantic biogeographic region Estuary of Rhine and Maas –Large diversity of habitats –High population density Landscapes: –Marine area –Coast –Large lakes –Low marshlands –Riverine area –Sand ridges (glacial, rivers) –Calcareous hills

Natura 2000 habitats and species 52 habitat types Annex I 36 species Annex II 95 birds Annex I (breeding & migrating)

Natura 2000 habitats and species Lithuania: also 52 habitat types

Marine area Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)

Coastal area

Large lakes Cygnus bewickii

Lowland marshes

Lowland marshes (endemic subspecies) Microtus oeconomus arenicola Lycaena dispar batava


Glacial hills: heathland

Glacial hills: “Atlantic deserts”


Calcareous hills

Nature conservation Nature Conservation Organisations (NCO’s) –State Forest Department 1899 –National Private NGO (Natuurmonumenten) 1905 –Provincial Private NGO’s (12) –Private nature areas –Farmland Own & manage nature reserves Management activities in nature areas (finances by government, members & sponsoring) –Traditional farming: hay making, sod cutting, burning –Semi-natural grazing (extensively) –Guarding (birds) –Doing nothing  very rare ! (forests, marine areas) –Large restoration projects

Natura 2000: current status –Selection of sites –Natura 2000 database –National legislation –Conservation goals (July 2005)  –Formal assignment (2005, 2006) –Management plans (2006 …) –Monitoring + reporting (2007 …)

Designation process 1992: Habitat Directive 1996: 27 sites HD (282,000 ha) 1998: 89 sites HD  all larger than 250 ha 1999: Atlantic Seminar I (Kilkee, Ireland)  insufficient (ETC) * also sites smaller than 250 ha * some habitats/species: too little cover (20-80 %) 2001: Atlantic Seminar II (The Hague, NL)  still insufficient 2003: 141 sites HD (many smaller added) May 2003: sufficient  “first of the snails” (marine sites have to be selected later) Sept 2003: database Natura 2000 Bird Directory: 81, sufficient


Selection of sites Selection criteria: -Best 5 sites for each habitat/species (quality and/or quantity) -Best 10 sites for priority habitat/species –Broad (ecologically varied) habitats: subtypes (alliances) Best 3 sites for each subtype Best 5 sites for priority subtypes –Transboundary sites (Germany, Belgium) –Widespread species/habitats: no sites (protected within selected sites): Rhodeus sericeus, Cobitis taenia, 3270 Boundaries: –Location of habitats, habitat of species –Landscape ecological units / Administrative boundaries –Sometimes: smaller subunits (isolated patches) –Towns, large agricultural areas excluded


Natura 2000 database Best expert judgement In some cases based on hard data No basis for monitoring !!!

Conservation status Habitat Directive aims at Favourable Conservation Status SPECIES Natural range Population (size, trend, quality) Habitat Future prospects HABITATS Natural range Quantity (area) Quality (typical species, structure & function) Future prospects

Conservation status Not all species in favourable conservation status Conservation status is scored at a national level Scored all aspects, based on historical data/trends Also scored EU- responsibility Large amount Special species composition

Conservation status habitats (subtypes) species birds RED AMBER GREEN17553 UNKNOWN040 EU-resp. high351427

Conservation goals: national level Conservation status + EU-importance  national goal favourable  goal: conservation of present status unfavourable  goals which are in correspondence with a favourable conservation status: larger area, better quality, larger population, better structure & function, etc… Reference is based on historical data (circa ) or on models (viable population, …) … has to be worked out in detail

Conservation goals: national level Example: 6120* Xeric sand, calcareous grassland EU-responsibility: high Sedo-Thymetum  nearly endemic Medicagini-Avenetum  nearly endemic Festuco-Thymetum serpylli

Conservation goals: national level < Data from: SynBioSys NL

Conservation goals: national level Goal: larger area, wider distribution, better quality - Strict protection remaining sites - More river dynamics (flooding, sand deposition) - Less eutrophication & management of sites

Conservation goals: site level For each habitat/species: National goal + relative importance of site + potential  site conservation goal Realization of site goals + outside Natura 2000  Favourable conservation status Relation with Water Framework Directive: Aims of WFD must support Natura 2000 aims

Conservation goals: site level Example: Zwarte water (1100 ha): floodplain of small rivers

Fritillaria meleagris

Conservation goals: site level 6510 Increased area and conservation of quality (in southern part of the area) 91F0 Increased area and increased quality

Management plans Have to be constructed for all Natura 2000-sites Detailed planning of conservation goals in space and time

Monitoring HABITATS Define favourable conservation status: Range: number of grids Area Typical species frequency in releves distribution grids Structure & function * 85 % of the sites in good condition

Monitoring HABITATS –range: distribution grids (whole country) –area: vegetation mapping (site level) –typical species from releves (within habitat types) national distribution grids (whole country) –structure & function: vegetation structure (from vegetation maps) indicative value of species composition (releves & permanent plots) measure of abiotic values (few locations) measure of abiotic values (national level)

Monitoring HABITATS Not for all habitat types the same Parameters Method Frequency of monitoring

Data sources SynBioSys NL(Alterra)  vegetation releves –Range –Quality (typical species; indicative value) Species distribution (NGOs) Vegetation maps, releves, Permanent plots (Nature Conservation Organisations) Advantage: many data Problem: many different organisations involved, different methods, different aims,…

Data sources Little known about some little species… Vertigo angustior