WHAT IS BIOMASS ENERGY? Biomass is organic matter from plant and animals, also known as microorganisms. Photosynthesis is the process where energy from the sun is stored in plants. Animals get this energy through eating plants. Waste such as crops, manure and garbage are all excellent sources of biomass fuel. Of course, there are many others.
PROS OF BIOMASS ENERGY Biomass is far more widely available than fossil fuels Biomass is carbon neutral. It doesn’t emit more carbon than it initially stored. Renewable Hardly produce pollution Continuous Source of Power; Biomass Energy can be generated almost 24×7 unlike other forms of renewable energy like wind and solar that are intermittent in nature
Biomass contains almost no sulfur, little ash, and won't produce more carbon dioxide than it removes through photosynthesis. Use to create heat electricity and to run car Biomass can be burned or gasified as easily as coal, and liquefied more easily than coal. Biomass technology is simple and has been in use for a long time. Wood ash from combustion in power plants is a valuable fertilizer.
PROS Biomass contains almost no sulfur, little ash, and won't produce more carbon dioxide than it removes through photosynthesis. Use to create heat electricity and to run car Biomass waste help cultivate farmland Made locally with minimal cost Does not depend on fossil fuel Promote energy independent Waste is burned and the heat is used to boil water and the steam is used to create electricity
CONS OF BIOMASS ENERGY Some gases like carbon-dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are emitted into the atmosphere during biomass production which may damage the ozone layer. It may contribute to global warming. Biomass extraction process in very expensive Biomass power plant needs huge space, recycling of wastes requires a lot of water. Ethanol is produced in the process of biomass energy, it may increases level of nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere. These are some arguments.
CON(GLOBAL WARMING) Some gases like carbon-dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are emitted into the atmosphere during biomass production which may damage the ozone layer. It may contribute to global warming. Solution The most important of the advantages of biomass energy is that it’s a part of the carbon cycle. Carbon from the atmosphere is absorbed into plants during photosynthesis and when the plant decays or is burnt that carbon goes back into the atmosphere. Because it is a cycle, the next crop of plants absorb that carbon over again, so there is a balance between the amount of carbon that the biomass fuel release into the atmosphere and the amount that they extract from it. This is why biomass fuels do not contribute to global warming. Biomass fuels are clean.
CON(EXPENSIVE) Biomass extraction process is very expensive. Solution Energy harnessed from biomass is inexpensive compared to coal and oil. Typically they cost about 1/3 less than fossil fuels doing the same job.
CON(SPACE + WATER) Biomass power plant needs huge space, recycling of wastes requires a lot of water. Solution There is no doubt that biomass energy is one of the few potential replacements for fossil fuels. The benefits of both a renewable and clean energy source cannot be ignored. It will be interesting to see how big of a part biomass energy will play in the future.
Ethanol is produced in the process of biomass energy, it may increases level of nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere. Solution In fact, nitrogen oxides can be removed with aqueous solutions of inorganic and organic reagents. The negative impact in the environment is nothing compare to radioactive wastes which last for more than ten thousand years. There are ethanol production all over the U.S. with more popping up all the time, that mean more ethanol available in more places. It’s good for your car because it run leaner and cooler. It’s good for your country because it add American jobs and reduces U.S.’s dependent on foreign oil.