Egyptian Science and Stuff
Writing Hieroglyphs: picture like symbols Some pictures stand for things. Some pictures stand for sounds. A great way too keep track of the growing wealth of the empire.
Papyrus An early form of paper made from reeds Strips from the stalk cut to the same length end then placed side by side with another layer running the other way. Pressed flat and glued with sap
Time Important to predict floods Floods came about the same time as the star Sirius Figured out that the year was 365 days long Used the water clock to measure time as water drained through a hole
Math Solved everyday problems Measuring stone for pyramids Calculated area of farmland to figure out taxes Fractions, area, volume, and π
Medicine Tied to religion Doctors were priests who had knowledge about sickness Learned about the body by working on mummies so they could do surgery Used herbs, prayers, and amulets to cure some diseases Used raw meat and honey to protect wounds Garlic and onion were good for general health Opium was a pain killer When it got too bad they just tied to to a stake until the illness passed (because you were dead)
What is it? A prosthetic toe
Other Science and Stuff Bee keeping Glass making Nilometer –Device priests used to monitor water levels –1 in 5 years had too much or not enough
How it showed Egypt was great Egypt had a surplus of food, so other people could be: –Scientists –Doctors –Priests –Astronomers –Scribes –Engineers –Mathematicians
How it made Egypt great! Egyptians could –Predict floods –Keep track of farms land and taxes for a million people –Cure the sick –Build great buildings
Sources "Ancient Egypt." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 19 Dec History of Our World. Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall, "Nilometer." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 19 Dec "Time." Ancient Egypt. British Museum. 19 Dec