Where do you think the biggest cities are located?
Population Density in Japan Life in a Crowded Country
Population Density : The average number of persons in a unit of area, such as a square mile. : The average number of persons in a unit of area, such as a square mile. –Japan has 880 persons per square mile. –U.S. has 83. Japan is 11 times more densely populated.
Essential ? How does population density affect the way people live?
Limited Land Only 1/8 th of Japan is arable land, or good farmland. Only 1/8 th of Japan is arable land, or good farmland. –People cluster in the good land.
Housing Smaller homes with smaller appliances and no bedrooms. Smaller homes with smaller appliances and no bedrooms. Cremation after death. Cremation after death.
What’s this? Capsule Hotel in Japan
Land Use Building up and down. Building up and down.
–Developed earthquake- resistant construction techniques. What must the Japanese consider when building high-rises?
Terracing: the creation of flat areas on mountain slopes for the purpose of farming. Terracing: the creation of flat areas on mountain slopes for the purpose of farming.
Health How would a crowded city affect one’s health? How would a crowded city affect one’s health? Strict laws against pollution. Strict laws against pollution. Recycling is encouraged. Recycling is encouraged.
Transportation How long did it take you to get to school today? Average commute in Tokyo is 1 ½ hrs. Efficient public transportation Efficient public transportation –180 mph passenger trains. Regulate car ownership Regulate car ownership –Pay for parking
A Crowded Commute
Let’s get a feel for how crowded these trains are. Can I get a few volunteers?
Rush Hour Subway Riders in Five Countries
Write a level 1, 2, & 3 ?.
Assignment: Analyzing Tables ELT: Interpret various tables ELT: Interpret various tables Can a place have too many people? Can a place have too many people? –Let’s consider population density, per capita income, and life expectancy in several countries.
Works Cited "Capsule Hotel in Japan." Japan's Capsule Hotel. Web. 28 Nov "Full House." Poker Hand Rankings. Web. 28 Nov Hart, Diane. Geography Alive Regions and People. Palo Alto, CA: Teacher's Curriculum Institute, Print. "Japanese Woman Wearing a Face Mask." Strange But True. Web. 28 Nov "Tight Parking Spot." Web. 27 Nov