W23: February 3-7, 2013 Week 23
Monday, February 3 Turn in Homework WS ▫Keep Food Journal Correct and Complete Study Guide Packet Homework: ▫Chapter Review WS ▫Olympic Preview of Countries
Tuesday, February 4 Powerpoint ▫Pacific South America – Physical Geography Homework: ▫Olympics WS Research
Chapter 11 Pg Ecuador Peru Bolivia Chile Pacific South America
Physical Geography Stretches from equator to Arctic Circle Bolivia is landlocked All have one common factor… THE ANDES MOUNTAINS Pacific South America
Physical Geography Mountains Andes Mountains Some ridges and volcanic peaks rise more than 20,000 feet above sea level Two tectonic plates meet at the edge, so earthquakes and volcanoes are a constant threat. Southern Chile – rugged mountain peaks covered with ice caps North – Andes are more rounded and splits into two ranges Peru & Bolivia – ridges are far apart forming an altiplano. Altiplano – a broad, high plateau that lies between the ridges of the Andes Pacific South America
Physical Geography Water and Islands Andean glaciers – source of the tributaries for the Amazon River Few rivers – rivers on the altiplano have no outlet to the sea Forms large lakes Lake Titicaca – highest lake in the world that large ships can cross. Strait of Magellan – links the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean Strait – a narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water. Pacific South America
Physical Geography Water and Islands Tierra del Fuego South of the Strait of Magellan “Land of Fire” Galapagos Islands Ecuador Volcanic Wildlife not found anywhere else in the world Pacific South America
Physical Geography Elevation Mountain environments change with elevation 5 different climate zones 1. Lowest zone – hot and humid climate zones near sea level; Located along the coast Found inland in eastern Ecuador, Peru and northern Bolivia Part of the Amazon basin CLIMATE: Humid tropical climate VEGETATION: Tropical rain forests Pacific South America
Physical Geography Elevation 5 different climate zones 2. Moist climates Mountain forests Good for growing coffee Many cities located here 3. Cooler Forests and grasslands Farmers can grow potatoes and wheat Many people live and farm here Pacific South America
Physical Geography Elevation 5 different climate zones 4. Climate becomes too cool for trees to grow Alpine meadows with grasslands and hearty shrubs Altiplano region 5. Very cold No vegetation Ground is always covered with snow and ice Pacific South America
Physical Geography Deserts Atacama Desert Northern Chile 600 miles long between coast and Andes Mtns Rain falls less than FIVE TIMES A CENTURY Fog and low clouds are common Cloud cover keeps the air near the ground from being warmed by the sun Cloudiest and driest places on Earth Pacific South America
Physical Geography El Nino Experienced every 2-7 years El Nino – an ocean and weather pattern that affects the Pacific Ocean Cool Pacific water near the coast warms May cause Extreme ocean and weather events that can have global effects El Nino warms the oceans, fish leave the area which can affect the fishers. Causes heavy rains which can lead to flooding along the coast Scientists think that air pollutants have made El Nino last longer and cause more damages. Pacific South America
Physical Geography Natural Resources Forests provide lumber (Peru and Ecuador) Coastal waters provide fish Ecuador - large oil and gas reserves; oil is main export Bolivia – tin, gold, silver, lead, and zinc Chile – copper (most in the world!) Good farmland but difficult to produce enough crops to export to other countries Pacific South America
Wednesday, February 5 Powerpoint ▫Chapter 11 Lesson 2 Reading Homework: ▫Olympics WS Research ▫Peru WS
Thursday, February 6 Powerpoint ▫Video on CAVES Homework: ▫Olympics WS Research: Watch it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bryan Wright – 4P
Friday, February 7 Powerpoint ▫Olympic Check ▫District Assessment Homework: ▫Olympic Research HAPPY BIRTHDAY… Justin Allen – 4P William Garner – 7P