WALTER SCOTT 1796-1861
1796 - Born in Scotland, October 1. Educated at University of Edinburgh. 1818 – Came to New York at suggestion of uncle, George Innes.
1820 – Moved to Pittsburgh. Taught in school operated by George Forrester who preached for a Haldane church. After study of Bible, Scott immersed by Forrester. 1820 Forrester drowned. Scott left responsibility for school and Forrester’s family.
1821 – Read tract “On Baptism” by Henry Errett. Walked to New York to visit church, disappointed. Returned to Pittsburgh to tutor Robert Richardson and a few other boys. -At Richardson home, Scott met Alexander Campbell for the first time.
1823 – Married Sarah Whitsette. Alexander Campbell asked Scott to contribute articles for proposed journal. Scott suggested the name, Christian Baptist. Wrote under the name, “Philip”.
1826 – Moved to Steubenville, Ohio. Planed to start a paper, The Millennial Herald Alexander Campbell invited him to attend meeting of Mahoning Association. Scott invited to preach on Sunday morning.
Report of churches for 1826. Net loss of 12 Sixteen churches reported 18 baptisms, six additions by letter Thirteen dismissed, 12 excluded and 11 died. Net loss of 12
1827 – Scott again attended Association meeting. Scott hired as evangelist for Western Reserve. Resigned from church, abandoned paper and moved family to Western Reserve
“The conveyance gave to Connecticut "all of the territory of the present state and all of the lands west of it, to the extent and breadth, from sea to sea” This included all or part of ten states.
Here he preached the “Restored Gospel”. Faith, repentance, baptism, remission of sins, gift of the Holy Spirit. Called “Five Finger Exercise”. Conversion of William Amend. Description of Scott’s preaching
Report for 1827 Scott baptized more than twice the number of members in the Association, over 1000
Alexander Campbell questioned Scott’s great success. He sent his father Thomas to see if Scott was preaching true gospel. He wrote Alexander Campbell that for years they had understood the gospel but they were not seeing it put into practice. Thomas Campbell joined Scott in his work on the Western Reserve.
1828 Scott appointed evangelist for second year. William Hayden appointed to help Scott. “Brethren, give me my Bible, my head and William Hayden and we will go out and convert the world.” “Scott averaged baptizing 1,000 a year for 30 years.”
“The Mahoning River became a second Jordan; Walter Scott a second John the Baptist” 1830 Mahoning Association so transformed that it dissolved itself out of existence. Alexander Campbell said, “Brethren, shall we never meet again?” Began a yearly consultation meeting.
1831 Exhausted by hectic years as Mahoning evangelist and death of his daughter, Scott plunged into deep depression. Moved to Cincinnati. Started The Evangelist His sermons were disappointing. Returned to Pittsburgh, depression lifted.
1836 Selected first president of Bacon College and served one year. Comparison of Scott and Campbell’s preaching. Quote #5
1855 Married a widow Eliza Sandridge but this marriage was unhappy. 1849 Scott’s wife died. Moved to Mays Lick, Kentucky. Married Nannie Allen in 1850 who died 1854 1855 Married a widow Eliza Sandridge but this marriage was unhappy. 1861 – Died April 23, buried at Mays Lick.
Alexander Campbell wrote of Scott, “Next to my father, he was my most cordial and indefatigable fellows laborer. . . “I knew him well. I knew him long. I loved him much. “Methinks by the eye of faith I see him in Abraham’s bosom”
Qualities of Scott Generous to a fault. Great humility Trained younger preachers
JOHN T. JOHNSON 1788-1856
1788 – Born in Scott County, Kentucky 1801 – Attended Cane Ridge Revival, aged 13.
1811 Married Sophia Lewis 1813 – Became aide to General William Henry Harrison in Indian wars. 1815 Elected to state legislature, served until 1819
1818 – Lost fortune of $50,000 (almost $600, 000 in 2005 dollars) to pay debts for which he had signed notes. “I never felt happier in relieving myself of nearly $50000 in real estate.”
1820 – Elected to U. S. House of Representatives. Elected three terms in all.
His brother was Richard M. Johnson.
Member of House of Representatives
Member of the Senate.
Vice President of Martin Van Buren, 1838-1841
1821 – John T. Johnson joined Baptist Church. 1828 – Abandoned political life.
1829-30 Studied the Bible, came under influenced of Alexander Campbell. 1831 – Left Baptist Church and began preaching. Organized Great Crossings church, near Georgetown, Kentucky. Baptized his wife, his brother and brother’s wife. Became acquainted with Barton W. Stone.
1832 – He and John Smith took lead in uniting Christians and Disciples. 1832-34 Served as co-editor of Christian Messenger with Barton W. Stone.
1834 – Began school in Georgetown 1834 – Began school in Georgetown. Before year was out some of students could recite the entire New Testament.
1835 – With B. F. Hall, he began the Gospel Advocate in Georgetown. Johnson’s first article, “Practical Reformation.
In 1836 was selected to the board of directors of Bacon College. Johnson instrumental in its getting a charter from the legislature. Gave liberally to school, raised money for it.
1837 – He and Walter Scott begin the Christian magazine.
1849 – Wife dies. Named as one of vice presidents of Missionary Society.
1856 – Johnson dies, buried in Lexington cemetery.
Savior's Cause, His Whole ELDER JOHN T. JOHNSON Died Dec. 18, 1856 Aged 69 Years After 25 Years Devoted Service To His Savior's Cause, His Whole Life Was Truly A Labour Of Love. And His Works Do Follow Him. Long Well He Lives In The Hearts Of Those For Whom He Laboured. Thanks Be To God Who Giveth Us The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Part 2
Campbell’s influence grew in Kentucky. The McCalla Debate Distribution of the Christian Baptist Campbell’s visits.
Powerful men came to understand the Restoration according to Campbell’s influence.
Raccoon John Smith
Jacob Creath, Sr.
Jacob Creah, Jr.
“First resident Baptist preacher in Kentucky to takes a stand for the “First resident Baptist preacher in Kentucky to takes a stand for the . . . Reformation” Philip F. Fall
Similarities in Teaching of Campbell and Stone Both sought union of Christians Both were attacked by the same opponents. Both believe in the independence of the local congregation.
Difference between Stone and Campbell Activity of the Holy Spirit Godhead Nature of Christ Name of church.
Difference in names members to be called. Stone: Christians Campbell: Disciples
Objection of “Christians” to Alexander Campbell Did not believe in heart-felt religion. Baptism for the remission of sins Lord’s Supper every Sunday Communion with the un-immersed. Stone said they were not Christians in full sense. Role of women Foot washing
Unity on the Western Reserve Stone and Campbell preachers began to swap and exchange pulpits Participated in meetings Growing feeling of fellowship
Unity in the Mahoning Association 1832 meeting 13 churches were represented. Three Disciples preachers present. The committee that selected Walter Scott as evangelist included these three preachers. Joseph Gaston, one of the preachers, accompanied Scott at times. United at least 7 churches. Scott served as a catalyst in the mergers.
Stone and Campbell Both men were close friends, both believed in unity and agreed to work for it.
“The question is going the round of society “The question is going the round of society. . . Why are not you and the Reformed Baptist one people? . . .
I have uniformly answered; In spirit we are unite and that no reason existed on our side to prevent union in form.” Christian Messenger, August 1831.
Stone took the lead in promoting union. 1831 In November John T. Johnson invited John Smith to conduct a meeting at Great Crossings church. They discussed unity and called for two, four day meetings one in Georgetown and the other in Lexington. Both groups were invited to attend. The first meeting enjoyed great accord. The next meeting was to decide on merger.
This took place December 30, 1831-January 2, 1832 at Hill Street meeting house.
Smith and Stone selected to speak. Smith spoke first. They were to avoid doctrine and give views on plan of union.
“God has one people on the earth “God has one people on the earth. He has given them but one Book, and therein exhorts and commands to be one family.
“ “A union, such as we plead for—a union of God’s people on that one Book—must then be practicable.
“Let us, then, my brethren, be no longer Campbellites or Stoneites, or New Lights or Old Lights, or any other kind of lights,
“but let us all come to the Bible, and to the Bible alone, as the only book in the world that can give us all the Light we need.” John Smith
“I have not one objection to the ground laid down by him as the scriptural basis of union. . . And I am willing to give him, now and here, my hand.” Barton W. Stone.
Many churches did not attend. John Smith and John Rogers were appointed to go together among the churches and promote unity. Rogers continued three years and Smith somewhat longer.
Difficulties Alexander Campbell was reluctant to accept the union He rejoiced at the meeting at Lexington but saw a union of whole brotherhood was premature. He saw his group yielding on some differences while bearing with the other group till they learned better.
Yet he wrote, “We rejoice to hear that the utmost harmony and Christian love prevail, not only among the disciples composing this congregation between them, and the disciples meeting under the Christian name.
. . . Notwithstanding the sparring between us editors.
Smith, Johnson, Scott and Campbell agreed to meet to edit a new song book to promote unity. Instead, Scott and Campbell met and selected the hymns and wrote the preface to the book. They called it “The Disciples Hymn Book” Stone objected greatly. Campbell in deference to Stone, changed the name but not the preface. Scott did not change his part of the books.
Results of the union
Great growth. The Christians brought to the union an evangelistic zeal the Disciples had not had. The Disciples brought a more systematic view of doctrine. Some Stone churches did not unite with group.
In 1834, Stone stepped aside from the leadership. Yet, he considered the union to be “the noblest act of my life.”
Moved to Jacksonville, llinois. Merged two churches Freed slaves Started Berean College Died 1844
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