Love or Death I John 3:11-24
Themes: love, obedience, and truth repeat but at different point of view: fellowship, sonship, and now brotherhood, The emphasis is on his relationship with other believers Loving brother: a matter of light and darkness, life and death, and now love and death Levels of relationship –Murder –Hatred –Indifference
–Christian compassion Murder (3:11-12) –Lowest level –Satan is a murderer Cain (Gen 4: 1-16) Children of the devil masquerade as believer Failed to love Cain’s attitude and actions originated with Satan Cain’s offering vs Abel’s offering (faith) Cain was warned that sin crouched at the door & promised if he obeyed God Envy turned to anger & murder –Pharisees was called children of the devil (John 8:44)
–Satan: the prince of the world (John 14:30) –People would try to cover up their true nature (murder & lies) through religious rites. Hate ( 3:13-15) –Hate is the same as murder (I John 3:15) Levels differ: murder – the outward of taking life while internal intent in hatred is the same –Lions vs cats –Reason someone doesn’t murder because of bars : fear, penalties of the law, and the possibility of death –What did we do? Vs what did you want to do?
–Proof of passing from death to life for Christians: he loves the brethren –Different amount of guilt for murder & hate vs settled habit of life: loving the brethren even though he may occasional be angry with the brethren –Murderer cannot be saved The issue : a man can continue to be a murderer and still be a Christian, not a murderer becoming a Christian (I John 3:15) –Antidote for hate is love Indifference (3:16-17) –Christian love involves doing others good
–Cain, an example of false love –John 3:16 vs I John 3:16 (laying down his life) Self-preservation, the first law of the physical law Self-sacrifice, the first law of the spiritual law Brethren in I John 3:16 vs brother in I John 3:17 –Christian love is personal and active Good Samatarian (Luke 10:25-37) The test: quietly helping a brother in need, not in loud profession loving the whole church Hatred is murder in his heart To be guilty ignore his brother or be indifferent to his needs
To help a brother, conditions –He must have means (way) to meet his need –He must know that the need exists –He must be loving enough to want to share A believer who hardens his heart against the needy brother is condemned A Christian should work so he can “ give to him that needeth” (Eph. 4:28) Gal. 6:10 “So then while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those of the household of the faith (NASB) –Doing good in term of personal service & giving of oneself to another, not just in term of money or material goods –Mother of several children & 2 friends
To experience and enjoy God’s love we must love one another Christian love (3:18-24) –Loving in deed & truth vs word & tongue (18) James 2:15-16 In word – to talk about a need vs in deed – to do something about the need In tongue – to love insincerelu vs in truth – to love genuinely from the heart Love to get in return vs love to give (Luke 6:380 –Assurance (19-20) A believer’s relationship with other affects his relationship with God (Matt 5: 23-24)
A Christian who practices love will grow in understanding of the truth and have confidence toward God Condemning heart : accusing conscience (Jeremiah 17:9) –Mary & Martha (Luke 10: 38-42) –Peter (Mark 16:7) Devil accuses the believers and rob them of the confidence No Christian should treat sin lightly nor be hard on himself Christian must be right before God to practice genuine love Eph 4:30-5:2 –Answered prayer (21-22)
Love for the brethren produces confidence toward God & it gives them boldness in asking for what they need (22) Believer’s relationship to the brethren cannot be separated from the prayer life (I Peter 3:7) –Evangelist on Christian home »Psalm 66:18 Importance of obedience –The secret of the obedience is love (John 14:15) –Obedience to God’s commandments in fear vs love »Elder brother of the prodigal son (Luke 15:24-32) –Ps 37:4 –Abiding (23-24) Love the Lord & neighbor (Matt 22: 34-40) Believe in the name of His son Jesus Christ, and love one another (23 NASB)
Faith which worketh by love (Gal 5:6) –2 sides of coins: faith & love Key experience for a believer who wants to have confidence toward God & answers to prayer The Vine & the branches (John 15:3-14) –Depends on the obedience of God’s Word and keeping clean (15: 3,10) Holy Spirit, the first in I John 3 –Holy One (2:20) –Abides with a believer forever (John 14:6) –When grieved He withdraws His blessings (Eph 4:30) –Attesting Spirit (4:1-6) –Authenticating Spirit bearing witness (5:6-8) Trinity: Father commands to love one another, Jesus gave His life & Holy Spirit lives in to provide love
4 levels –A murderer belongs to the devil Cain. – Hater belongs to the world which is under Satan’s control –Indifferent Christian is living for the flesh which serve Satan’s purpose –The only happy and holy way to live in on the level of Christian love, the life of joy, liberty, answered prayer, and courage in midst of difficulties Survey on love –Atmosphere of life & death –Matter of life or death