BMC Public Witness Church of the Brethren Annual Conference July 3, 2005
Preparing the Table Tom Hostetler, Cliff Kindy, Kim Hill Smith, Josih Hostetler
Preparing the Table Cont. Kim Hill Smith, Tom Hostetler, Jon Magley, Cliff Kindy
Witness Order of Worship A Place at the Table…A Table at the Place Gathering Welcome/Invitation SongI’m Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table Process into Exhibit Hall Constructing the Table of Welcome Song Celebration of Communion Litany of Intent One:Because love is a fragile gift… All:We will go with tenderness, embracing a covenant with humanity that resists the powers of violence and fear. One:Because dignity is a human right… All:We will go with purpose to build a world where each and all are afforded respect and care. One:Because justice is a holy act… All:We will go with determination and apply ourselves to the work of peace and reconciliation. One:Because faith is the ground of our being… All:We will go with reverence and reflect a witness that is trustworthy and life affirming. One:Because hope is the breath of the Spirit… All:We will go with confidence as we consecrate ourselves to the sacred task of embodying the love and yearnings of God. May we be faithful in our resistance to all that hinders our holy calling. Amen.
Gathering Music Leader: Peg Lehman
Welcome and Invitation to Witness Invitation to Witness: Speaking – Carol Wise, Executive Director BMC
Procession into Exhibit Hall
Into the Exhibit Hall
Building the Welcome Table Introduction to Building the Table: Kim Hill Smith (Speaking on behalf of lgbt people who have left the church.)
Building the Welcome Table ~ Supportive Communities Network On behalf of SCN: Susan Boyer, Pastor at La Verne COB
Building the Welcome Table ~ Church Leaders On Behalf of Church Leaders: Phil Jones, Director Brethren Witness/Washington Office
Building the Welcome Table ~ Parents On Behalf of Parents: Tom and Angela Hostetler (Angela driving nail)
Building the Welcome Table ~ Womaen’s Caucus in Solidarity On Behalf of Womean’s Caucus: Jan Eller, Caucus Worker
Building the Welcome Table ~ Voices for an Open Spirit (VOS) in Solidarity On Behalf of VOS: Jim Lehman, VOS Convener
On Behalf of Supportive Pastors: Jan Fairchild, Pastor Springfield OR Building the Welcome Table ~ Supportive Pastors
Kirby Lauderdale, Pastor Peace COB, Portland, OR Karen Carter, Pastor Building the Welcome Table ~ Friends of Justice
Preparing the Communion Celebration Bonnie Kline Smeltzer, Pastor University Baptist and Brethren and Josih Hostetler
Celebrating Communion
A Place at the Table, A Table at the Place! The sign on the table reads, “BMC logs for the day when the Church of the Brethren is as welcoming as the Table of Christ.”