SHARED CONSERVATION, MANAGEMENT AND USE OF SEA TURTLES IN NICARAGUA, COSTA RICA AND PANAMA Lic. Nikolas Sánchez Espino Paulino Madrigal Rodriques, Lic. Candidato Sekita Grant, LLM Candidate A Synthesis For Policy Makers
Project Overview Domestic Law: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama Local management and protection of nesting and foraging beaches Regional Laws: The SPAW protocol to the Cartagena Convention, SICA, The Central American Biodiversity Convention, The Western Hemisphere Convention, DR-CAFTA International Law: CITES, Biodiversity Convention, Bonn Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animal, RAMSAR, Law of the Sea Convention Recommendations
Introduction to Sea Turtles
Species of Significance Loggerhead Big Crustaceans Green Turtle Sea grass beds Leatherback Jelly Fish Hawksbill Turtle Sponges on coral
Key: N = Nesting; F = Foraging NicaraguaCosta RicaPanama LoggerheadFN, F?N, F Green TurtleN, F LeatherbackNNN Hawksbill Turtle N, F
Hatchlings Juvenile Mating Photo:CCC file Egg- laying Photo:CCC file Photo:S. Troëng Photo:CCC file Adult feeding grounds Inter-nesting Photo:CCC file Lifecycle
Caribbean Sea Tortuguero Green & Short (2003), Photo/foto Marjo Vierros Bermuda Turtle Project Turtle Grass Species Range (Green Turtles) Brazil (one return)
Caribbean Sea Tortuguero Carr et al. (1978), Troëng et al. (In press, en prensa) Green Turtle Tag Returns Brazil (one return) <20 m
Threats to Sea Turtles Tourism and Coastal Development Lighting Coastal Erosion Consumption Beach Mining Climate Change: sea level rise, elimination of food sources, change in ocean currents Fishing: direct capture (food, trade), incidental capture
Domestic Law Nicaragua ~ Costa Rica ~ Panama
Nicaragua Domestic Law Constitution - fundamental legal basis for natural resource protection and management Dichotomy Article 60 - obliges State preservation, conservation and restoration of the environment and natural resources and to establish the appropriate structures and measurees to fulfill this mandate Article 89 - recognizes the rights of Caribbean coastal communities to preserve and develop their cultural identity Ley de Pesca y Acuicultura - requires use of TEDs, establishes penalties, allows non- commercial subsistence fishing Loggerhead, Leatherback, Hawskbill protected (Green Turtle can be taken for subsistence purposes during an open season) Others: Ley de Caza, Reglamento de Explotación y Prohibición de la Destrucción de las Tortugas (1958), Decreto Ejecutivo Relativo a la Veda de Tortugas en el Océano Atlántico (1972), Decreto de Prohibición de Aprehensión y Caza de Toda Clase de Animales Silvestres y Exportación de Huevos de Tortugas (1977), Ley N 2 (1983) (prohibits hunting of Loggerheads and Hawksbill Turtles), Ley General del Medio Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales, Ley de Normalización Técnica y Calidad, Resolución Ministerial que Establece el Sistema de Vedas de Especias Silvestres Nicaraguenses, Acuerdo Ministerial para el Uso de los Aparatos Exclusores de Tortugas Responsible Organizations - MARENA Local Management
Costa Rica Domestic Law Ley de Protección, Conervación y Recuperación de las Poblaciones de Tortugas Marinas (2002) Applied international commitments into national law Penalties for takes Reiterates TED requirements Ley de Conservación de Vida Silvestre - protects on land MINAE Decreto Ejecutivo (1997) - lists all six marine turtle species occurring in Costa Rica as threatened with extinction MINAE Decreto Ejecutivo (2002) - revises penalties for wildlife violations provided by the Wildlife Law 7317 Responsible Organizations - MINAE, SINAC, INCOPESCA, Ministerio de Seguridad Pública and Servicio Nacional de Guardacostas Local Management
Panama Kuna Yala People have placed a ban for 5 years on turtle foraging even when they depend on these resource The ban last until november 19, 2011; but according to the resolution it might be extended if necessary.
International Law
NicaraguaCosta RicaPanama Protocol Concerning Specifically Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) No R Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)RRR Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) EEE Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)No E Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles (IAC) SRR Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) EEE Key: Ratified (R); Entry into Force (E); Signed (S)
Significant International Agreements CITES CMS Inter-American Convention On The Protection and Conservation Of Sea Turtles CBD Ramsar DR-CAFTA
Recommendations Tripartite Agreement: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama; or if the case, bi- national agreement between CR and PTY due to their demonstrated will to comply with it Work with local communities Awareness: development industry and local communities Implementation of regional management plans based on nesting and foraging sites Take into account all applicable domestic, regional and international laws Economical and ecological sea turtle value identified, measured and accounted to developed a base line for resource management and development.