EVOLVING network for UPGs in South East Asia - network to serve other networks. A PLATFORM for strengthening relationship amongst UPG focused leaders in South East Asia. CONDUIT for The BODY outside of SEA.
Continuing Research. Sharing updates on UPG efforts in South East Asia. Discuss issues faced in UPG work (in South East Asia). 3 PRIMARY PURPOSE
….how we got to ETHNE’06 GREAT COMMISSION ROUNDTABLEGREAT COMMISSION ROUNDTABLE SINGAPORE’02 (USCWM)SINGAPORE’02 (USCWM) …..met in Feb’04 in Penang, Malaysia…..met in Feb’04 in Penang, Malaysia …..met in June’04 in Manila, Philippines…..met in June’04 in Manila, Philippines …..met in Nov’04 in Singapore…..met in Nov’04 in Singapore ….met in Feb’05 in Singapore….met in Feb’05 in Singapore ….met in June’05 in Bali….met in June’05 in Bali ….met in Dec’05 in Singapore….met in Dec’05 in Singapore
Steering Committee Brian O’Connell Liz Adleta Bob Lopez Moises Lopez Beram Kumar Mark Kim David Packiam Ronnie Koh K. Rajendran Rio Sibarani Kent Parks S Irwan Kevin Penman Stan Parks Larry LeGrande Timothy Olonade Russ Simons
VISION VISION Peoples joining together to glorify God among all peoples
PURPOSE To energize the Body of Christ for continuing initiatives among the ‘one-fourth world’ or 27% of the world which has almost no access to the Gospel by ….
CELEBRATING Great Commission Progress Amongst the Least- Reached Peoples.CELEBRATING Great Commission Progress Amongst the Least- Reached Peoples. ASSESSING Current Opportunities and Resources.ASSESSING Current Opportunities and Resources. ACCELERATING Movements to Christ Amongst All Peoples.ACCELERATING Movements to Christ Amongst All Peoples.
OUR CONVENING VALUES… Shared leadership - no HQ or centralized office “making decisions” Working to strengthen existing regional UPG networks Each region to take turns to host ETHNE Global UPG Consultations
“BODY OF CHRIST THEOLOGY” … cross- discipline / cross-cultural / trans-national / assemblies-agencies-academies-alliances … collaboration. A “Peoples REACHING Peoples” emphasis –v- a “reached & unreached” dichotomy … accelerate the movements of ALL PEOPLES to His Glory ! ETHNE’06 – Bali, Indonesia
“Working Consultation”..primary focus is the Strategy Groups / Workshops / Seminars – focus on “strategic actions”.. ongoing “movement”. ETHNE’06 – Bali, Indonesia
Isaiah 66:18-20 I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come and see My glory. to the coastlands afar off who have not heard My fame nor seen My glory. And they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles Isaiah 66:18-20 “….. It shall be that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come and see My glory. I will set a sign among them, and those among them who escape I will send to the nations; …… to the coastlands afar off who have not heard My fame nor seen My glory. And they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles. Then they shall bring all your brethren for an offering to the Lord out of all nations, on horses and chariots and in litters, on mules and on camels, to My holy mountain Jerusalem, says the Lord, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the Lord.”