National Traffic System History&Operation Jim Shultz W5OMG Former Manager DFW Early Metroplex Traffic Net
Introduction We will be discussing history, logistics and how message traffic is handled We will be discussing history, logistics and how message traffic is handled Thanks to KB5YAM, Former N Texas Section Manager & K5NHJ, Former DFW Metroplex Late Traffic Net Manager for the basis of this presentation Thanks to KB5YAM, Former N Texas Section Manager & K5NHJ, Former DFW Metroplex Late Traffic Net Manager for the basis of this presentation
Message Firsts First telegraph message: First telegraph message: “What hath God wrought.” “What hath God wrought.” First telephone message: First telephone message: “Watson, come here. I want you.” “Watson, come here. I want you.” First radio message: First radio message: “Look, ma, no wires!” “Look, ma, no wires!”
Public Service Communications Always done it Always done it Spontaneous Spontaneous Individual basis Individual basis
Need for organization Results were chaotic Results were chaotic Organized trunk lines and net systems Organized trunk lines and net systems Later came ARES and NTS Later came ARES and NTS
Part 97 – “Basis and Purpose” “Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary non- commercial communications service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.” “Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary non- commercial communications service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.”
History Between 1914 & 1917 Range increased dramatically Between 1914 & 1917 Range increased dramatically By the end of 1917 over 600 Amateurs had been designated ORS By the end of 1917 over 600 Amateurs had been designated ORS Prestige amongst The Brethren came not from the number of messages handled, but from the accuracy & reliability Prestige amongst The Brethren came not from the number of messages handled, but from the accuracy & reliability
What is Traffic Handling? The means of getting a message from sender to recipient in the shortest amount of time as sent The means of getting a message from sender to recipient in the shortest amount of time as sent Most needed in times of disaster or other emergency Most needed in times of disaster or other emergency We may all be needed at one time or another to “get the message through”. We may all be needed at one time or another to “get the message through”.
Principles of NTS Operation Keep the QRM level down Keep the QRM level down Monitor established disaster frequencies Monitor established disaster frequencies Avoid spreading rumors Avoid spreading rumors Authenticate all messages Authenticate all messages Strive for efficiency Strive for efficiency Select the band and mode to suit the need Select the band and mode to suit the need Use all communications channels wisely Use all communications channels wisely Don’t “broadcast” Don’t “broadcast”
NTS Net Levels Local Nets Local Nets Section Nets Section Nets Region Nets Region Nets Area Nets Area Nets Trans-Continental Corps Trans-Continental Corps
DFW Nets Metroplex Early Net local time MHz repeater (DARC) Metroplex Early Net local time MHz repeater (DARC) Metroplex Late Net local time MHz repeater PL tone (Billy McDonald) Metroplex Late Net local time MHz repeater PL tone (Billy McDonald)
HF Nets Daytime Texas Traffic Net 7285 Daytime Texas Traffic Net Traffic Net – Morning (M-Sa) 7290 Traffic Net – Morning (M-Sa) 7290 Traffic Net – Afternoon (M-F) 7290 Traffic Net – Afternoon (M-F)
HF Nets Texas CW Net 3643 Texas CW Net 3643 Texas Traffic Net 3873 Texas Traffic Net 3873 Panhandle Emergency and Traffic Handling Net 3933 Panhandle Emergency and Traffic Handling Net 3933 Region Five Cycle Four 3650,7052 Region Five Cycle Four 3650,7052 Texas Slow CW Net 3719 Texas Slow CW Net 3719 Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net 3935 Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net 3935 Southwest Traffic Net 3935 Southwest Traffic Net 3935
Digital Stations HF Digital NTS Operations HF Digital NTS Operations APLink system APLink system NTS Digital Stations NTS Digital Stations VHF Packet Radio Bulletin Boards VHF Packet Radio Bulletin Boards Major PBBS can be a “net” Major PBBS can be a “net”
Message Form Preamble Preamble Body Body Signature Signature Status Line Status Line
Preamble Number Number Precedence Precedence Handling Instructions (optional) Handling Instructions (optional) Station of Origin Station of Origin Check Check Place of Origin Place of Origin Time (optional) Time (optional) Date Date
Addressee Name Name Call (if any) Call (if any) Address Address City, State & Zip City, State & Zip Phone Number (necessary, if at all possible) Phone Number (necessary, if at all possible)
Message Body ARL Numbered Radiograms ARL Numbered Radiograms Number spelled out Number spelled out Phone number counts as three words Phone number counts as three words “Love” and “Yours truly” are part of message body “Love” and “Yours truly” are part of message body Web site (url) counts as one word Web site (url) counts as one word
Signature Name of person sending the message (not necessarily the operator) Name of person sending the message (not necessarily the operator) Any other description of the sender Any other description of the sender Callsign, FISTS, OOTC, EOC Mgr., Hospital Administrator
Status Line Who did you get it from and when? Who did you get it from and when? Who did you give it to and when? Who did you give it to and when?
Delivering the traffic Attitude-You are representing all HAM radio operators Attitude-You are representing all HAM radio operators Make the call Make the call Identifying yourself Identifying yourself Non-HAMsNon-HAMs HAMsHAMs The Message The Message Radiogram vs. TelegramRadiogram vs. Telegram Hardly ever bad news Hardly ever bad news
Other formats Whatever your boss specifies Whatever your boss specifies City/county/state/federalCity/county/state/federal SupportSupport Medical format for personnel and supplies Medical format for personnel and supplies
Training What’s coming to the DFW VHF nets What’s coming to the DFW VHF nets Radio to radioRadio to radio This is normally what we do in an emergency unless you are a liaison This is normally what we do in an emergency unless you are a liaison EOC’sEOC’s Hospitals & Hospital CouncilHospitals & Hospital Council
Net Operations Local Nets Local Nets Usually more informal, because they’re normally not under time constraints due to volume of trafficUsually more informal, because they’re normally not under time constraints due to volume of traffic HF Nets HF Nets Usually more formal and structured, do have higher volumes of trafficUsually more formal and structured, do have higher volumes of traffic
Public Service Honor Roll Checking into a traffic net (with or without traffic) Checking into a traffic net (with or without traffic) Acting as a Net Control or Alternate Net Control Station Acting as a Net Control or Alternate Net Control Station Acting as a Liaison to another Public Service Net Acting as a Liaison to another Public Service Net Delivering Messages to a third party Delivering Messages to a third party Originating Messages from a third party Originating Messages from a third party
Public Service Honor Roll, 2 Serving as a Field Appointee from ARRL Serving as a Field Appointee from ARRL Providing communications during a public service event, such as a bicycle ride, walk-a-thon, marathon, etc. Providing communications during a public service event, such as a bicycle ride, walk-a-thon, marathon, etc. Providing a digital station for purposes of traffic handling via packet Providing a digital station for purposes of traffic handling via packet
Remember Speed (with efficiency) Speed (with efficiency) Accuracy Accuracy The real fun is in delivering traffic to the public! The real fun is in delivering traffic to the public!
Additional Information ARRL ARRL Public Service Communications Manual Public Service Communications Manual Net Directory Net Directory Operating Manual Operating Manual Listen and/or check in to a net Listen and/or check in to a net
Thank you!