1 Carers and The Care Act 2014
2 Cross-cutting theme rather than stand-alone chapter Parity of esteem between carers and those they care for – Assessment: removes “substantial and regular” test – Eligibility: national minimum threshold for carers – Planning: rights to personal budgets, direct payment, support plan – Services: what is available locally? (Market shaping) – Charging: cannot charge carer for respite care; nominal charges generally Largely codifies existing best practice Carers in the guidance Carers and The Care Act
3 Relatively large cost implications – Estimated £69m nationally in 15/16 (£22m for assessments, £47m for support) – Estimated £192m by 19/20 Most urgent to understand implications for 15/16 as within current spending review settlement – Key variable is behaviour: how many people will come forward how quickly? – Overall estimate based on roughly 50% increase in carer assessments and corresponding increase in support Understanding the impact Carers and The Care Act
4 Q. What work have you done locally to assess impact? – Models that can be shared very helpful – National work to aggregate the local with ADASS/LGA Q. What can we do to mitigate risks around implementation? – Proportionality, e.g. self-assessment, joint assessment can often save money and be in best interest of carer – Can we be more efficient compared to current practice? – Do you know of existing operating models that are successful and cost-efficient? – What national work might be helpful around this (toolkits, best-practice guidance)? Key questions for discussion Carers and The Care Act