Parent/Carer Welcome Meeting Year 5 Academic Year 2013/14
Year 5 team Mrs Valambhia, Mrs Webb and Mr McPhee Miss Crown and Mrs de la Touche (teaching assistants) Mrs Hill (music), Mrs Burton (French), Mrs Messiha (maths)
Aims of Year 5 To develop greater thinking skills and independence To develop strategies to become effective learners To use Christian values in their spiritual, moral and social development To have happy, well-rounded children ready to move into year 6
Christian Values Autumn 1:Reverence and respect Autumn 2:Humility Spring 1:Service and generosity Spring 2:Hope and resilience Summer 1:Wisdom and responsibility Summer 2:Trust and truthfulness We have a Christian Values Day on the first Friday of every half term. These are promoted during whole-school assemblies and in class.
Active Learning We aim to ensure that: Children are involved in their learning Clear Learning Intentions and Success Criteria are given There is a good pace of learning with range of rich activities Learning partners, group work and independent learning Use 5 Rs – reflective, responsible, reasoning, resilient, resourceful Self/peer assessment: children identify next steps Range of questioning to develop children’s thinking skills Lollipop sticks and directed questioning Opportunities for thinking and reflection Marking policy (tickled pink and green for growth) English and maths targets - through self assessment and teacher direction
New curriculum (maths, English, computing, science, history, geography) Spelling focus in class using booklets Mental maths – structured programme Home Learning – uploaded to the school website (where appropriate) on Friday to be returned on Tuesday. School Priorities
Feeding Back to Parents/Carers Parent/Carer consultation meetings (November th, 3:30-8:00pm) - 10 minute appointment - work available in hall - how your child has settled in their new class - summary of strengths and achievements - current level and rate of progress (expected/better than etc) - targets – have they achieved current and set new - target card given out showing levels - work habits - any other comments Learning Review Meetings – 13 th March - parents/carers attend with their child - child as active participant (age appropriate) - children complete a Learning Review in advance - new targets set in partnership with child and parent - learning at home set for the day – writing competition Written Report – July - summarises achievements/learning habits throughout the year - sets targets for the beginning of the following academic year - gives end-of-year National Curriculum levels in Maths and English (reading and writing)
Year 5 Curriculum Ancient Greece Anglo-Saxons and Vikings English Maths Moving Toys Design a dish Swimming Outdoor competitive games Values Days Rivers Sustainability Earth and Space Life-Cycles Friendships and Relationships Gym and Dance Forces Properties of materials and how they change Electrical circuits Pottery and sculpture Viking Art Numbe r Shape and Measures Fractions and % Buddhism Data Poetr y Narrative Guided reading Non-fiction Spelling Speaking and Listening Problem solving
Please remember... Importance of key stationery – handwriting pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, glue stick Reading book Planner – record reading daily and sign weekly Homework folders given in on time Labelled PE kit/school uniform Hair ties for girls
How to help at home and in school Reading – encourage children to read daily (and listen to them read) Swimming – every Thursday (5VW) and Friday (5M) Help and support in the classroom – for example, swimming, group reading or special areas of expertise (e.g. with DT, art or other subjects) ECSA meetings and events Lunchtime help in the dining room Parking – be considerate Financial assistance – by paying school fund and voluntary contributions promptly Return paperwork on time and check ParentMail regularly
Behaviour Positive behaviour management Rewards Consistent use of sanctions Code of conduct
At ECS, we will... Listen to everyone Take our turn Follow instructions Show good manners Sit still Take responsibility for our choices Look smart Use kind words Be honest Stop immediately when asked Code of conduct
Home School Agreement What is the Home-School Agreement? An agreement drawn up with parents, LA, Governors and Diocese Why do we have a Home School Agreement? We want to work in partnership with parents. It is a legal requirement of all schools. Why are we asking parents to sign it? So the school can work with parents and children. An opportunity to discuss with your child, at the start of the school year about expectations, uniform, homework, behaviour Remind parents that children (in relevant year groups) will receive e-safety code of conduct to re-sign too.