Strengthening Parent Carer Participation
Delivery Partner of The Department for Education The DfE is continuing to work with a variety of voluntary organisations to support it’s work with children with disabilities and their families. Contact a Family working in partnership with the NNPCF are one of those Delivery Partners. Other Delivery Partners include: -Preparing for Adulthood -The National Parent Partnership Network (NPPN) - Early Support The Council for Disabled Children are the Strategic Reform Partner for the DfE
The role of Contact a Family in supporting Parent Carer Participation Working with and Supporting National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF). Supporting local parent carer forums Promote the participation of parent carers with local and national partners Promote engagement with a wide of range of parent carers Learning & Development resources and opportunities Effective Grant Spend and Monitoring Supporting peer led support
Tiered approach to support for local forums Work with Local Authorities and health providers Work with national organisations to ensure that information about opportunities to participate are cascaded to as many parent carers as possible. Ensure that parents carers remain informed about developments and are able to participate and influence decisions locally, regionally and nationally The role of Contact a Family in Supporting Parent Carer Participation ctd…
Named advisor for all forums Access to website and examples of policies procedures etc. Good practice and news bulletins (jointly with NNPCF) Targeted support if needed Forum 2 Network Support to regional networks Regional and National Events (LA / Health partners) Support and advice with grant applications and monitoring Support offer to all forums from Contact a Family
Learning & Development Access to online and face to face learning opportunities Learning and development opps will change this year 3 face to face opportunities: – Intro to participation – 2 day Training for chairs / leads of forums – Co-production Regional training budget Allocation of £70 per area regions to decide how to spend this.
Additional support We understand that there are times when all forums may need to access additional support for a variety of reasons we will therefore continue to offer: Additional telephone or face to face support from your Regional Advisor Associate resource for individual targeted support (although the budget for this is reduced) Access to information via Bulletins and Website Recommended trainer lists available Support to enable peer support
Administration and Monitoring of Grants Contact a Family will continue to administer and oversee the distribution and spend of the DfE grant funding Provide support for completion of forms where required Clear guidance on appropriate spend Regular review of spend with Regional Advisors Two stage process will continue this year Optional discretionary grant process to utilise any underspend Annual monitoring at year end
Grant Monitoring Vital information Ensures grant is well utilised Identifies areas in need of support Highlights trends and concerns The data is used to produce annual report demonstrating growth and challenges Evidences need to continue to fund parent carer forums
Other Activity National Link Group Utilising other Contact A Family Services (helpline / family support) to promote forums Learning & Development Programme Review of the How To Guide National Event
Links with Local Authorities, Health and other partners Build links with Local Authorities and Health Partners to support the development of Participation through the introduction of SEND Reforms working with other delivery partners Work with other delivery partners and forums to identify areas with significant challenges Prioritise areas where there are particular challenges and offer additional support
To reflect the significant influence forums have as the NNPCF, Funding from DfE has increased and continues to support the activity and development of NNPCF NNPCF to have own part time Programme Officer Continue to work with CaF to produce joint bulletins Continue to respond to consultations, or requests for information Continue to influence at a national level
Conclusion We want to build on what we know works and continue to embed and strengthen parent participation across England, particularly during the “Countdown to Change” SEND reforms We want to strengthen relationships with key partners to ensure good quality parent carer participation is the norm We want to empower parent carers and continue to support and work with the National Network of Parent Carer Forums