Benefits for people with bleeding disorders Ruth Taylor Information and Advice Worker The Haemophilia Society
Disability Living Allowance Care Component: Low Medium High Mobility Component Low High
To qualify Low rate care Attention for significant portion of day; or (If over 16) Unable to prepare a cooked meal for one if you have the ingredients (“the cooking test”)
Middle rate care Frequent attention throughout the day or Continual supervision throughout the day to avoid substantial danger to yourself or others
High rate care Either of the conditions for middle rate care plus Prolonged or repeated attention during the night or Another person to be awake at night to watch in order to avoid substantial danger to yourself or others
Mobility Component Low rate Can walk but because of condition is unable to walk without guidance or supervision from another person most of the time Payable to children aged 5 and over
Mobility: high rate Unable or virtually unable to walk because of the distance or speed at which he walks without severe discomfort or Exertion required to walk would be likely to lead to a serious deterioration in health.
DLA as passport to other benefits Mobility Component Lower Rate Entitlement to extra Income Support premiums Disabled child premium Qualifies for disability element WTC and CTC Home Energy Efficiency scheme Xmas bonus for IS purposes
Mobility higher rate Exemption from road tax Motability scheme Blue badge Disability test for WTC and CTC Care component: lower rate As for low rate mobility
Middle or higher rate Disability test for disability element WTC Carer’s Allowance carer test Home responsibilities protection Income support exemption from signing on IS severe disability premium Housing Benefit Council Tax Benefit
High rate only Enhanced disability premium in IS Severe disability element of WTC and CTC Independent living fund
Benefits Ruth Taylor