AHSNs Patients and Patient Opinion NHS Commissioners workshop 24th September 2013
Dr Chris Streather Managing Director Health Innovation Network Background Our plans Patient involvement Patient Experience Patient Opinion Introduction
Health Innovation Network is the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) for South London The Government has established 15 AHSNs nationally AHSNs have 4 key objectives: About Academic Health Science Networks Focus on the needs of patients and local populations Speed up the adoption of innovation into practice to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience Build a culture of partnership and collaboration Create wealth through co- development, testing, evaluation, early adoption and spread of new products and services
We are working in partnership with a diverse membership of health and social care providers, primary/secondary/tertiary care, higher education institutions, public health, commissioners – and with patients, the public and the third sector We are particularly interested in partnership and co-creation, pragmatically and philosophically Health Innovation Network South London
There are a number of Clinical Themes and Cross-Cutting Workstreams underway in South London: Work Programmes Diabetes Dementia MSK Alcohol Cancer CLINCAL THEMES Patient Experience Informatics Evaluation CROSS-CUTTING THEMES Patient & Public Involvement
Structuring Each Clinical Theme Tertiary Secondary Primary Public Health SRO – CEO level Clinical Directors Programme Manager Innovation Fellow Commissioner Patient/3 rd Sector/Carer Expert Panel – multidisciplinary, patient/carer/third sector and industry Priority Project Projects aimed to address each tier of long term condition pyramid
First year = 3 priorities Engage with stakeholders to develop shared vision Implementation of the Patient Opinion feedback-improvement cycle Co-creation work on experience metrics and co-produced rapid improvement cycles Patient experience
Enhanced subscription for 10 diabetes and dementia teams Generation of real-time service user and carer views Generation of corresponding service improvements Commentator sites supported - Healthwatch, CCG LA Evaluate and share learning across other themes Identify training needs with Local Education and Training Board Patient Opinion collaboration
Co-creation work Builds on experience from SWL+SGMHT User led (of MH services) Focused on dementia to start with as meeting a need and matching our priorities Social movement approach – Winning hearts and minds –Framing the challenge –Generating energy for change –Developing impact and momentum
Summary Early work focused on diabetes and dementia –Husbands our resource –Focuses on two groups who have historically had a raw deal Users involved at every stage Leading role in co-creation work Evaluative rigor –need to develop evidence base Care Opinion an opportunity
Thank you Health Innovation Network