Healthwatch: Dementia Patient / Customer Experience Briefing to Health and Well-Being Board Janice Horsman Chair Healthwatch Westminster
Evidence collected through ‘enter & view’ visits to hospitals and care home, patient stories, outreach, Dementia Project Group, Dementia Action Alliance (70+ stories): Memory Cafés ‘…(x) is great; she organises a book club… read book out loud, …royal academy workshop discuss paintings - once a month’ ‘(would like to) leave her husband for half or a full day as opposed to a 2 hour slot Diagnosis ‘GPs don’t know where to send people’ ‘diagnosis took a long time’ GP and hospital Care and support ‘… care not reviewed’ Social care and health ‘her husband felt very isolated because early on he refused to pay for anything (self funders)’ Day services; health ‘Pay for ….a private company but they are not specialists and don’t know where to go for help’ Homecare ‘Father was already discharged and was on his way to his flat by ambulance…. when (she) got to father’s flat…found him lying on the sofa in his vomit in a dazed medicated state.’ Hospital ‘(Workers are).. are not trained or experienced enough ‘ Community services, healthcare, day services, extra care housing, hospital staff, residential care, GPs and practice staff 2 Patient/Customer experience
Areas for improvement (to date): Confidence in GP ability to effectively screen for dementia Regularity of care reviews – GP and social services every year/15 months? Integration of health and care services Staff training (inc. GPs, support staff, hospital staff) Support for carers Respite Information on how to access services especially for self funders Inpatient care including discharge planning Personal control when choosing services 3 Patient/Customer experience
Triborough Dementia Strategy 2014 – 2019 Development Summary Briefing to Health and Well-Being Board Joint Commissioning Central London CCG, West London CCG, Hammersmith and Fulham CCG, Triborough LAs
Triborough Dementia Strategy Proposal v35 Dementia Dementia is an umbrella term for symptoms of diseases of the brain that will affect a third of people over 65 There are more than 40 different types of dementia illness Alzheimer’s Disease accounts for 50%; Vascular related dementia accounts for 30% National Dementia Strategy: Living Well with Dementia 2009 recommends: Diagnosis - needs to be timely, in specialist services Treatment includes suitable dementia medications and personalised activity to help with health and well-being Reduction in the use of mental health medications if these are not needed Integrated approach to care in the community – dementia is a progressive long term condition that requires support to ‘live well’ Access to information about dementia Better Public awareness – Dementia Alliances, Dementia Champions The National Dementia Strategy recommends a range of post-diagnostic provision for health and well-being
Dedicated Dementia care across the Triborough Triborough Dementia Strategy Proposal v3 6
Achievements to date Triborough Dementia Strategy Proposal v3 7 Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea MAS reaccredited as excellent (Royal College of Psychiatry Memory Service National Accreditation Programme (MSNAP 2014) Imperial College Hospital Trust and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust appointed Dementia Nurses (2013) – awareness training commenced for all staff GPs in Westminster and K&C receive training in dementia from the Memory Services. Training programme for H&F GPs started 2014 New monthly Memory Cafe set up in Victoria Medical Centre, Westminster - September 2013 Dementia Friends briefings delivered to 20 staff in Central London CCG (2013) and 12 Triborough Day Services managers (2014) Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea MAS reaccredited as excellent (Royal College of Psychiatry Memory Service National Accreditation Programme (MSNAP 2014) Imperial College Hospital Trust and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust appointed Dementia Nurses (2013) – awareness training commenced for all staff GPs in Westminster and K&C receive training in dementia from the Memory Services. Training programme for H&F GPs started 2014 New monthly Memory Cafe set up in Victoria Medical Centre, Westminster - September 2013 Dementia Friends briefings delivered to 20 staff in Central London CCG (2013) and 12 Triborough Day Services managers (2014) Dementia Guides in Westminster and K&C republished Planned for H&F for end 2014 Compassion in Care training delivered to all home care staff in Westminster in 2011/12 - rolling out to all homecare and care home staff across Triborough (2014) Dementia Alliances set up 2013 in Westminster and K&C; planned for H&F 2014 Dementia Resource Centre commissioned in Westminster 2012 – similar service changes planned for H&F and K&C 2014 Dementia Guides in Westminster and K&C republished Planned for H&F for end 2014 Compassion in Care training delivered to all home care staff in Westminster in 2011/12 - rolling out to all homecare and care home staff across Triborough (2014) Dementia Alliances set up 2013 in Westminster and K&C; planned for H&F 2014 Dementia Resource Centre commissioned in Westminster 2012 – similar service changes planned for H&F and K&C 2014
Dementia Trajectory - population The national prevalence of people with dementia stands at approximately 800,000 in the UK – this number is expected to rise to 1.7m by The current and future population of people with dementia (NDPR) in H&F, K&C and Westminster is shown in the following tables : H&F Total Expected numbers of people with dementia* (additional average 25 cases per year) Projected ** ,1181,1431,1691,1931,2171,317 K&C Total Expected numbers of people with dementia* (additional average 35 cases per annum) Projected ** ,5421,578 1,613 1,647 1,680 1,820 W’smstr Total Expected numbers of people with dementia* (additional average 25 cases per annum) Projected ** ,113 1,139 1,164 1,187 1,212 1,312 *National Dementia Prevalence Rate [NDPR] – NHS England Prevalence calculator **Projected Dementia Prevalence Rate based on additional average cases per annum H&F 2013/14 The % of people with dementia diagnosed out of total expected is 52.7% K&C + QPP 2012/13 The % of people with dementia diagnosed out of total expected is 51.1% W’stmstr 2012/13 The % of people with dementia diagnosed out of total expected is 54.3 % 8 NHS England has set a mandate for local diagnosis of dementia to reach 67% of the total expected by 2015 (Nat. av. 44.6%)
Triborough Dementia strategic aims AimDetermine the current need via Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and review the dementia care pathway to deliver a Triborough strategy. The strategy will need to fit with the CCG Collaborative dementia strategy and the Triborough Customer Journey. Overarching themes include: 1Determining need – mapping epidemiology and populations 2Engaging all stakeholders 3Dementia Pathway design – the Customer Journey 4Integrated approach to commissioning dementia services 5Timely diagnosis 6Integrated action-plan across organisations 9 Triborough Dementia Strategy Proposal v3