Melville Cares 21 – 23 Hammad (cnr Adrian) Street, Palmyra, WA 6157 Phone: __________________ Welcomes
Who We Are? Aims/Goals Our aim at Melville Cares is to help the frail aged and younger people with disabilities and their carers to remain living independently and participating in the community.
Wellness Statement Melville Cares supports the Wellness approach to Community Home Care. This is based on the philosophy of supporting older people and people with disabilities to be more independent at home and in the community, thereby enhancing their quality of life and/or preventing inappropriate admission to long term residential care. We are continually striving for improvement.
Who We Support? Melville Cares provide support services to five distinct groups of community members. These include: 1. Frail Aged 2. People with Special Needs 3. Full & Part Time Carers 4. People with Disabilities 5. War Veterans
What We Do? Melville Cares assist in various areas including: Transport (medical appointments) Shopping Trips Personal Care Home Cleaning Garden Maintenance Home Visiting People with Disabilities (young and old) Veterans Home Care Services
Melville Cares – invest in your future – Support VolunteerDonate Member/Client
How did Melville Cares Start? In 1984, a small group of like- minded people got together to assist the frail aged and people with disabilities from the local community. Today, Melville Cares has established their reputation and quality of care. We are one of the leading providers of aged care services within the city of Melville.
Board Members Current board members of Melville Cares.
CEO & Administrator CEO Richard Foster Administrator Operations El Bennett
Respite & Recreation Program The R&R Program has approximately 70 members that participate in the 3 different programs that are based between June Barton House, Palmyra & Southern Districts Centre, based at Willagee. The Music & Movement Program operates 3 days a week with a total of 31 members. Members participate in warm-ups, percussion and dance sessions. In the Living & Arts Program, groups have learnt how to socialise in the community; cook basic meals, and catch public transport. The Recreation & Respite program involves discos, run by the members themselves; weekend retreats and managing their own restaurant, named “Our Place”. They have learnt how to devise menus, serve customers and cook for their family, friends and volunteers in the R&R Program. Fun is the most important ingredient in all of our programs. JENNY CURTIS (co-ordinator)
In-Home Services In-Home Services provide quality support services to frail aged clients, their carers and people with disabilities who live in the City of Melville. This support provided enables people to sustain independence in their own home. Some services that the program provides are: Domestic assistance such as housekeeping Shopping assistance – purchasing groceries Paying bills and other errands Respite service Home and gardening maintenance. ELIZABETH GOODWIN (co-ordinator)
Transport (Laurie Lyon Co-ordinator for Transport) Transport is provided to the frail aged and people with disabilities for medical and social appointments to support their choices to remain independent and continue living in their own home. Transport is provided through a combination of agency cars, buses, and private vehicles and the dedicated support of volunteers. Melville Cares also offers wheelchair transport as required and available.
Community Visitors Scheme The Scheme aims to provide one-on-one volunteer visitors to residents in local aged care facilities, whose quality of life would be improved by their friendship and companionship. The Community Visitors Scheme is a national program funded by the Commonwealth Government. AVRIL MULCAHY (co-ordinator)
Home Visitors Program This program is designed to offer our clients a volunteer visitor for on-going social support in their own home. The volunteer and client will spend their time doing something they enjoy which may be a sit and chat, complete a craft project, reminisce, or play cards. The time spent together is rewarding for the volunteer and a great social contact for the client. AVRIL MULCAHY (co-ordinator)
Day Centre The Day Care Centre offers a range of activities during the week in our various locations: June Barton House, Palmyra, Bull Creek Community Centre, and the Willagee Southern District Centre. We cater to a range of clients including dementia specific. Monthly programs are planned in advance specifically designed for a client’s abilities. Some activities include: stay on their feet activities, table games, themed days, pamper days, luncheons, picnics, farm stays and the ever popular bingo and Big Day Out mystery tours. DONNA SAUNDERS (co-ordinator)
LYN & DENISE (co-ordinators) Carer Support Program This program allows the carer to have some time out from their caring role. In Home Respite workers go into the home and provide care so that the carer can go out or attend our Carer Support Group. These meetings are held monthly. Small group luncheons are arranged each fortnight.
LYN & HELEN (co-ordinators) Assessments All Clients for Melville Cares are assessed for services. The assessment looks at how they are managing tasks, if they have any family support or if they are socially isolated in their own home. The Assessment is always carried out in the client’s home so that we can identify any areas of concern. Most Services are wait listed but we endeavour to provide an appropriate service to clients in a timely manner.
Veterans’ Home Care SUSAN GALLOWAY (co-ordinator) This is a ‘low level care’ in Home Support Program which provides the following quality support services: Domestic assistance (vacuuming floors, cleaning bathrooms and toilets/housekeeping) Respite (staying with ‘cared for’ whilst carer is absent) Personal care (shower and dressing assistance) Home and Garden Maintenance (gutter and window cleaning, pruning for client safety and some minor home maintenance).
Geographic Area Melville Cares Supports We also cater for veteran services, which supports Cockburn and Fremantle
The People Behind Melville Cares 90 Employees volunteers 2000 clients – home & community care including veterans Transport services provide transport for approx. 45,000 passenger trips/yr (2007 – 2008)
Melville Cares Needs Your Support A message from Richard Foster (CEO, Melville Cares) “It may be fair to say that supporting Melville Cares is supporting a persons right to live in, and interact with their chosen community, independently in a safe environment. Clients receiving our support are not necessarily born into a life with some degree of dependency but seek assistance due to natural ageing processes and issues that can arise from social isolation. This situation could well be you or your loved ones at some time in the future, so do something for yourself and others in your community, support Melville Cares.”
Getting Involved: Volunteers Melville Cares requires volunteers to assist in providing support services to the community. Your assistance enables associated service costs to be maintained at a greatly reduced level, which in turn enables a greater number of clients to be assisted. Contact Melville Cares on for further information or visit our website:
Getting Involved: Donations Melville Cares relies on support from business and the community in responding to an increasing community need for support services. Donations of $2.00 and more are tax deductible. Donation forms can be found at our website:
Getting Involved: Corporate Sponsorship Melville Cares is well established in the community as a provider of essential support services to the frail aged and people with disabilities. Our reputation as a caring and effective service provider is firmly entrenched and widely recognised in the care sector and community. Please contact administration or our website: for more information.
Do your part and help our community
“Without the Human community – One single Human Being cannot survive.” Dalai Lama Thank you for taking the time to learn about Melville Cares.