Toward Active Old Age Zoltán Balogh - Katalin Papp Pori, Finland 21 April, 2004
I. Results of questionnaire
4. At the moment you are permanently living H * I * a) just alone …………………..12% - 15% b) in a nuclear family setting 69% - 76% (spouse, partner, children) c) in an extended family setting 17% - 7% (parents, spouse, children, siblings) d) something else……………...1.5% - 1.6% *H: Hungary I: Internatonal data from Finland, Holland, Poland
15. How often would you expect you are in contact with your children when retired? H I a) I have no children 4.2% - 11% b) every day 32% - 22% c) at least once a week 45% - 48% d) at least once a month 14.5% - 16% e) twice a year or less 2.5% - 1%
7. Your working situation H I a) employed 62% - 73% b) entrepreneur 6% - 7% c) retired 25% - 12% d) unemployed 6.4% - 5%
10. How would you assess your health condition at the moment? H I a) good 26% - 44% b) quite good 36% - 36% c) not so good 37% - 18%
16. If you need some help in the future enabling you to live at home from whom or which sector you would like most to get this help? H I a) from family type of carers 87% - 60% b) from professional carers 13% - 33% c) from voluntary or charity workers 3% - 5%
20. Are you involved in elderly care in voluntary basis at the moment? H I a) yes 9.2% - 16% b) no 90% - 83%
22. How would you value the support system for the family carer? H N a) it is sufficient 7% - 12% b) it is not sufficient 38% - 52% c) I am not familiar of the system 54% - 35%
23.1. What do you consider as the most important qualifications of those professional people who will be caring you? H I a) professional education ……………………………..30% - 19% b) good and friendly behaviour…...……………………23% - 25% c) practical experience in the care of the elderly…..…..16% - 15% d) time to talk with me beside the technical procedures..8% - 7% e) the person caring me is always the same …………… 5% - 4% f) the carer will consult experts when my conditions will be changed …...…………...2.5% - 4% g) my opinions will be respected and taken into the consideration on my care …………………… 9% - 18%
23.2.What do you consider as the most important qualifications of those professional people who will be caring you? H I a) professional education ……………………………..11% - 10% b) good and friendly behaviour…...……………………17% - 18% c) practical experience in the care of the elderly…..…...22% - 15% d) time to talk with me beside the technical procedures 15% - 13% e) the person caring me is always the same …………… 9% - 10% f) the carer will consult experts when my conditions will be changed …...………….10% - 11% g) my opinions will be respected and taken into the consideration on my care …………………... 8% - 14%
23.1. What do you consider as the most important qualifications of those professional people who will be caring you? H I a) professional education ………………………………8% - 10% b) good and friendly behaviour…...……………………13% - 14% c) practical experience in the care of the elderly…..…...13% - 10% d) time to talk with me beside the technical procedures.12% - 11% e) the person caring me is always the same ……………11% - 10% f) the carer will consult experts when my conditions will be changed …...…………..12% - 14% g) my opinions will be respected and taken into the consideration on my care …………………... 22% - 20%
24. What is the best form of residence in the future, when you will need a lot of long-term care? H I a) independent living …………. 63% - 54% b) moving to adapted home, sheltered homes …………. 27% - 35% c) institutional living …………. 6% - 10%
–To develop the system of family and community care based on the local needs. –To involve the local care poviders (e.g. social service, nursing home, day care centre, home care service etc.) –To improve the information network between care providers and receivers –To support the development of voluntary sector II. General recommendation in national level
–To develop professional education of the care providers in the frame of short term courses (communication with family and client, patient teaching, ADL, psychology aspect of aging, etics of care etc.) –To strengthen the elderly care nursing in the new Diploma, B.Sc. and M.Sc. in nursing curricula (Bologna Process, 2006) –To develop skills and knowledge of health and social professionals: lifelong learning III. National recommendation for the education of elderly care
Thank you for your attention!