Position Systems Ltd Telecare Apps Pillminder – A Smartphone App for Medication Management
Market Research Pillminder Problem: People are forgetting to take their medicine! Low-cost reminder alarms don't record when medication is taken WHO study found average of 50% medication compliance rate Only 25% people over 75 are taking their medication correctly... Often pills are missed, takes several “to catch up” – ie overdose.. Not at home, forgot to bring pills with them Carried out market research with : County councils + NHS Engaged with Alliance-Boots + Lloyds
Costs of Poor Compliance Compliance Rate: 95%(high) Saving Saving% Diabetes £5541£2856£268548% High Cholesterol £4305£2452£185343% High Blood Pressure£6822£4220£260238% Multiple Ailments£10311£5553£475846% All county councils provides services for the elderly such as pendant alarms, but currently they do not provide medication reminders. Relatives want to manage medication for their elderly parents.
4 How does the Pillminder App work? AnalysisDatabase updatedAlert1 /Alert2 Pillminder App runs on Android phones App ready for trials App detects any missed medication App alerts carer of poor compliance Displays the data about missed medications Help doctors/carers make informed decisions Improve scheduling of home-visits by carers Improves quality of service and reduces costs
5 Advantages of PillMinder App Reduce Healthcare costsHealth Improves PillMinder is carried in a pocket, can be taken to work/any location. PillMinder records data so that carer is alerted to poor compliance Doctor/Carer can view PillMinder medication records Carer can schedule visits outside medication times Pillminder server collects & analyses medication data Better Compliance
PillMinder Dashboard Patient A : pills taken over 3 week period Patient B Patient C Healthcare staff view patient medication compliance daily records Instant alerts when compliance falls below alarm level Alarm levels set for each patient –detects if critical medication missed
Summary Existing medication reminders don't collect missed pill data Pillmindr collects medication compliance data Compliance data helps medical staff understand health issues Pillmindr works when person is outside network coverage Or away from home when they typically forget medication Routes to Market – Councils, NHS, consumers, doctors Cost USD$0.18/day = $59/year, £0.11/day=£39/year Future Products Pillminder connected to a pillbox to detect when box is opened 7