June , 2007 Polytechnic University and Marriott Hotel Brooklyn, New York City, NY, USA IUMACRO’07 : Macromolecules for a Safe, Sustainable and Healthy World 2nd IUPAC Strategic Polymer Meeting IUPAC and ACS Conference on Co-organizers: Kalle Levon (USA), Hiroyuki Nishide (Japan), Christopher Ober (USA), Anthony Guiseppi-Elie (USA), Dennis Smith (USA)
PLATINUM SPONSOR: $ 5,000 AND ABOVE Recognition and link at conference web site, recognition in POLY and IUPAC Newsletter, option to leave a give-away or handout, logo on conference materials, three (3) complimentary conference registrations at the $ rate. GOLD SPONSOR: $ 3,000 – $4,999 Recognition and link at conference web site, recognition in POLY and IUPAC Newsletter, logo on conference materials, two (2) complimentary conference registrations at the $ rate. SILVER SPONSOR: $ 1,000 – $3,999 Recognition and link at conference web site, logo on conference materials, one (1) complimentary conference registration at the $ rate. Exposition: All conference sponsors may exhibit at the Polytechnic University MetroTech Center. Set up Sunday night / Monday morning and breakdown Tuesday evening. GENERAL CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIP
To sponsor the IUMACRO’07 Conference 1. Visit the conference web site (above) and register as an ACADEMIC SPEAKER- $ Under the section “ Special needs or comments” write “Conference Sponsor (Platinum, Gold or Silver) – “name of your organization””
WELCOME RECEPTION: $ 1,500 Recognition and link at conference web site, recognition in POLY and IUPAC Newsletter, option to leave a give-away or handout, logo on conference materials, display at the Welcome Reception and one (1) complimentary conference registration at the $ rate. POSTER SESSION RECEPTION: $ 1,500 Recognition and link at conference web site, recognition in POLY and IUPAC Newsletter, option to leave a give-away or handout, logo on conference materials, display at the Poster Session Reception and one (1) complimentary conference registration at the $ rate. BOTANICAL GARDENS RECEPTION: $ 1,500 Recognition and link at conference web site, recognition in POLY and IUPAC Newsletter, option to leave a give-away or handout, logo on conference materials, acknowledgment at the banquet and one (1) complimentary conference registration at the $ rate. EVENT SPONSORSHIP WELCOME RECEPTION: $ 1,500 POSTER SESSION RECEPTION: $ 1,500 BANQUET AT THE NY BOTANICAL GARDENS: $ 1,500
To Sponsor an Event at the IUMACRO’07 Conference 1. Visit the conference web site (above) and register as an ACADEMIC SPEAKER- $ Under the section “ Special needs or comments” write “Conference Event Sponsor (Reception, Poster or Banquet) – “name of your organization””
GENERAL CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIP Sponsor Registration Form – Print, complete and fax to To sponsor this conference send the completed sponsor registration form with remittance to Neta L. Byerly, Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc., Virginia Tech, 410 Davidson Hall, M.C. 0279, Blacksburg, VA 24061, Phone: , Fax: , SPONSOSHIP LEVEL: AMOUNT DUE: $ ; Name of Individual attending the IUMACRO07 conferenceTitle ; NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION address STREET ADDRESS ; CITYSTATEZIPPHONE NUMBER