Member-Get-A-Member 2005 Cable Derby –3 Events –9 Event Winners –3 Overall Winners September 1 st – November 30 th
Cable Derby Event Calendar Broadband DerbySeptember 1-30 Peak-to-Valley StakesOctober 1-31 Nodemont StakesNovember 1-30
SCTE Cable Derby Scoring Chapters will receive: 2 furlongs for each new member 1 furlong for each renewing (membership expired between to September 1, 2004 and June 1, 2005), retired and student member that are enrolled during an Cable Derby event time frame.
Handicaps, Apples, and Victory Showers Each event winner will receive the following bonus furlongs: Win – 9 Place – 7 Show – 5 If every chapter in a region participates and earns 10 or more points each; then every chapter in the region will receive 5 extra furlongs.
Handicaps, Apples, and Victory Showers (continued) MGM 2004 Bonus Furlongs –Each chapter will be sent a listing of their recruits for MGM 2004 –If a recruitment is sent to those individuals, your chapter will earn 5 bonus furlongs must be cc’d on the to receive One time bonus furlong opportunity
Several Chances to Win At the end of each competitive event Win, Place, and Show awards will be given to the chapters that earned the most furlongs during the event time frame. Overall winners for the Cable Derby MGM Campaign will be calculated by the total number of furlongs accrued between September 1 st and November 30 th. For every 20 furlongs that a chapter earns, they will receive 1 complimentary certification enrollment. For every 40 furlongs that a chapter earns, they will receive Cable-Tec Expo complimentary registration.
Individual Event Prizes Win Cable Tec Expo Comp Registrations 5 complimentary SCTE Certification Enrollments 9 Bonus Furlongs Place Cable Tec Expo Comp Registrations 3 complimentary SCTE Certification Enrollments 7 Bonus Furlongs Show Cable Tec Expo Comp Registrations 2 complimentary SCTE Certification Enrollments 5 Bonus Furlongs
Overall SCTE Cable Derby Winners Win: $1,500 cash VIP seating at 2006 Expo Awards Luncheon Place: $1000 cash Show: $500 cash
Cash Prizes Compliments of:
2005 MGM Goal Last year: –769 new members and 61 renewed and student members –Goal was : –916 new members and 139 renewed members –Goal was 600
SCTE’s Mission To advance the careers of engineering and technical professionals and the cable telecommunications industry by providing: Professional Development Information Standards
SCTE’s Members Are: Chief Technology Officers Engineers System Operations Managers Technicians Technical Sales/Marketing Professionals Trainers Field Operations Personnel
Member Benefits Qualified Broadband Search Engine
Member Benefits
SCTE Member Benefits Outstanding Professional Development Discounts on SCTE Conferences and Events –SCTE Cable-Tec Expo –SCTE Conference on Emerging Technologies –Chapter Leadership Conference –Chapter Technical Sessions –Seminars (delivered on site upon request) –NEW! One-day, hot-topic Engineering Symposiums
SCTE Member Benefits Scholarships Savings on books and manuals SCTE Career Center – online job bank discussion groups Online speakers bureau
SCTE Member Benefits Free subscriptions to industry publications including: –Communications Technology –CED –CT’s PIPELINE –Broadband Library –SCTE Interval –SCTE Member Monthly and more! Discounts on SCTE Certification
SCTE Spanish Resources Broadband Premises Specialist (BPS) certification study materials and online exam From Tap to Home: The SCTE Installation Manual SCTE-List discussion group Interval, SCTE’s Monthly Newsletter Key sections of the SCTE Web site Stand-alone Spanish language Cable-Tec Expo Proceedings Manual
Awards & Recognition Celebrate excellence! IP Innovator Polaris Star of Integrity Field Operations Hall of Fame Cable-Tec Games Chapter Leadership Member of the Year Personal Achievement Women in Technology Young Engineer of the Year Safety Awards
Leadership Opportunities Make your mark! Write an article Submit a white paper Speak at or moderate a technical session Lead a chapter Run for office on SCTE’s board of directors Join a committee
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