Business Letter Format Business Letter Format BlockBlock or Modified Block Layout ModifiedBlock ModifiedBlock
There are six major parts. Date Date Letter Address Letter Address Salutation Salutation Body of the Letter Body of the Letter Complimentary Closing Complimentary Closing Signature Block Signature Block
Date The month of the year should be written out, followed by the day and the year. Here is an example: The month of the year should be written out, followed by the day and the year. Here is an example: January 1, 2004 January 1, 2004
The Main Address The main address is who is receiving the letter. An example would be: Mrs. Jane Doe Box 195 Somewhere, NC 28543
The Salutation The Salutation is the greeting of the letter. An example would be: Dear Mrs. Doe: or To Whom It May Concern:
The Body The Body of the Letter refers to what is actually written in the letter. In block format all paragraphs should begin at the left margin. In modified format, the paragraphs may be indented or blocked, but you must be consistent throughout the letter. The Body of the Letter refers to what is actually written in the letter. In block format all paragraphs should begin at the left margin. In modified format, the paragraphs may be indented or blocked, but you must be consistent throughout the letter.
The Complimentary Closing The Complimentary Close is the closing of the letter. It may take several different forms depending on how well you know the receiver of the letter. The Complimentary Close is the closing of the letter. It may take several different forms depending on how well you know the receiver of the letter. Some examples would be: Some examples would be: Sincerely, Sincerely, Cordially, Cordially,
Signature Block The senders typed name is placed four lines below the complimentary close. The space between the complimentary close and the writer’s typed name is called the signature block. The writer should sign their name here. The senders typed name is placed four lines below the complimentary close. The space between the complimentary close and the writer’s typed name is called the signature block. The writer should sign their name here. Here is an example: Here is an example: Sincerely, Sincerely, John Doe John Doe Mr. John Doe Mr. John Doe
Typist’s Initials The writer’s initials, if different from the sender, are placed two lines below the signature block. The writer’s initials, if different from the sender, are placed two lines below the signature block. Here is an example: Here is an example: Sincerely, Sincerely, John Doe John Doe Mr. John Doe Mr. John Doe XX XX
Enclosure Notation If additional documents or materials are sent with the letter, an Enclosure Notation should specify the content. This is found two line spaces below the signature block or typist’s initials. If additional documents or materials are sent with the letter, an Enclosure Notation should specify the content. This is found two line spaces below the signature block or typist’s initials. Here is an example: Here is an example: Sincerely, Sincerely, John Doe John Doe Mr. John Doe Mr. John Doe Enclosure: Enclosure: 1. Certificate 2. Report
Business Format Block Style Date Letter Address Signature Block Complimentary Closing Salutation Body Typist’s Initials Enclosure Notation
Date Letter Address Signature Block Complimentary Closing Salutation Body Typist’s Initials Enclosure Notation Business Format Modified Block