34th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 3 – 5 November 2008 Vienna - Austria INIS User Needs Study (Summary of Japan’s study) Junichi KURAKAMI Director, Intellectual Resources Department Japan Atomic Energy Agency
1 Contents 1.About the Japan Atomic Energy Agency 2.JAEA’s Contribution to INIS 3.Results of our study on user needs 4.Summary
2 FBR cycle technology Disposal technology of high- level radioactive waste Disposal technology of high- level radioactive waste Fusion research & development Quantum beam technology 1. About the Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA’s Four Important Missions The Japan Atomic Energy Agency –was established in 2005 by merging former JAERI and JNC. –has 4,157 employees as of March 31, –has JP\200billion (US$ 1.8 billion) as an annual budget.
3 2. JAEA’s Contribution to INIS 2.1 Our achievements JAEA –has been the national center in Japan since –sends 5,000 items to IAEA every year. –stands the 4th rank among member countries in Input to the INIS DB by Japan Input from Member Countries
4 Demonstration Complimentary access in Japan Promotional materials Brochure Japan is now at the top of INIS member countries (356 universities) in the use of complementary access. Poster 2.2 Promotional activities Home page for domestic users
5 3. Results of our study on user needs 3.1 Background The 33rd consultative meeting of INIS Liaison Officers, 30 Oct. – 1 Nov –Discussed the importance to learn about user needs in relation to the coverage of content in the INIS Database –Recommended INIS National Centers to conduct studies of user needs in their countries INIS Technical Note No. 189, 16 Apr –Encourages INIS National Centers to conduct studies of user needs
6 3.2 Users surveyed Approx. 400 JAEA users and 57 universities. Not sent to users of CD-ROM, STN. Questionnaire is distributed to users of INIS database on the Internet. 155 responses –123 JAEA users –37 users from 17 universities
7 3.3 Questions to INIS users Q1. What is your main purpose of using INIS Database? Q2. What kind of information resources do you use to search for literature in the field of nuclear science and technology? Q3. Which INIS subjects are of interest to you? Q4. Which is more desirable coverage policy for INIS Database? Q5. Which type of literature do you want us to include in the INIS Database? Q6. To what extent is complimentary access allowed to the INIS database on the Internet?
8 3.4 Q1: Purpose to use INIS Database
9 3.5 Q2: Other resources used to search multiple answers allowed
Q3: Subjects of interest multiple answers allowed
Q4: Coverage policy nuclear matter environment policy econom y non-nuclear energy (environmental or economical aspects) core and surrounding legal aspect s energy plannin g
Q5: Type of literature to be covered
Q6: Expansion of complimentary access
14 Very useful, but not so many up-to-date information, timeliness be improved. Search for laws, regulations are difficult by INIS. Difficult to analyze search results because of inconsistency of subject category code. Convenient if all full texts can be downloaded. Proposes expansion of users by increasing complimentary service Comments from users
15 Comprehensiveness and timeliness is considered as important. NCL is important type of literature. Advantages of other resources (esp. search engines) must be investigated. Make the most of this users needs study. 4. Summary
16 Thank you for your attention JAEA Library