Business English Letter Task1.2 Writing Principles.


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Presentation transcript:

Business English Letter Task1.2 Writing Principles

Business English Letter Aims and Requirements: In this chapter, students are required to grasp as follows: 1.Know and grasp the structure and layout of the English Business Letter. 2.Know the basic formats of the English Business Letter 3.Grasp the principles of the English Business Letter Writing

Business English Letter Section I The Structure and Layout of the English Business Letter Generally speaking, a business letter includes: heading, date, inside address, salutation, subject line, body, complimentary close, signature and enclosure (attachment for an ) and carbon copy.

Business English Letter Section 2 The Formats of the English Business Letter A) Basic formats of a business letter: 1. Indented style Each line of heading, inside address, each line of the body should indented for two letters; the first line of the body should indented 4 letters. 2. Modified block style (semi-block style) It is also called semi-block style. Heading, complimentary close and signature should be put in the right of the letter. All lines are in a block style from right. The inside address, solutation are in a block style from the left; First line of each paragraph of a the body should be indented 4 letters.

Business English Letter A) Basic formats of a business letter: 3. Indented style Each line of heading, inside address, each line of the body should indented for two letters; the first line of the body should indented 4 letters. 4.Modified block style (semi-block style) It is also called semi- block style. Heading, complimentary close and signature should be put in the right of the letter. All lines are in a block style from right. The inside address, salutation are in a block style from the left; First line of each paragraph of a the body should be indented 4 letters.

Business English Letter Basic requirements of a business letter: 1) Correct, clear and complete content, using business terms and expressions with regular language. Describe in details about the time, place, color, size, quality, packing, insurance, and other elements. Check the No. of invoice, L/C, B/L, price. Section 3 The Principles of the English Business Letter Writing

Business English Letter Section 3 The Principles of the English Business Letter Writing Basic requirements of a business letter: 2) Simple, concrete in details with less words For example, in reference to an “offer” letter, it should include exact price, delivery destination, shipping date and validity. Another example: As to date, it’s better to use “on September 30, 2005” in stead of “at the end of this month” or “late Sep”, Such expressions as “instant( 本 月 )”, “ultimo( 上月 )”,”proximo( 下月 )”.

Business English Letter Section 3 The Principles of the English Business Letter Writing Basic requirements of a business letter: 3) Quickly response with modesty and active attitude First, A good relations will be established by good company reputation with quick response for BL. In case of a late response, you should give out the explanation with reasons for this matter. Or you will probably lose the customer! Second, Take consideration of anything of the other side, try to meet the requirements of the customers with mutually benefits. Friendship is more important than money. Clear company principles to get understanding of the customer.

Business English Letter Section 3 The Principles of the English Business Letter Writing Basic requirements of a business letter: 4) Try to use fine business language expressions to arouse the attention and interest of the customers. For example, first sentence of the BL, you should declare the purpose of this letter directly with simple and clear way. At last sentence, you’d better offer your wishes with a good impression to the customer.

Business English Letter Writing Practice: Write a business letter according to the following information and business structure requirement. Invite your customer to attend the 99 th Chinese Export Commodities Fair in this autumn. Homework for this chapter

Business English Letter 发信人单位:山东机电进出口公司 发信人地址:中国济南历山路 29 号 电话: 0531 - 传真: 0531 - 电子邮件: 写信日期: 2005 年 8 月 10 日 收信人单位: The Pakistan Trading Company 收信人部门: Export Dept. 收信人: Mr. K. Huang 收信人地址: 15, Broad Street Karachi, Pakistan 主题:邀请参加第 99 届广交会 主要内容:第 99 届广交会将于 10 月 20 日举行,我公司在交易会上有新 型机电产品展出,展销会上完成的订货合同,可获得最优惠价格。现 邀请您前来参加订货。 签名:山东机电进出口公司 业务部经理 李伟. Homework for this chapter

Business English Letter Homework for this chapter 2. Writing: My Future Choice

Business English Letter The End Thank you!