Assignment: Color and Value Painted Value Scale Painted Color Value Scale Op Art Color Value Scale Color Wheel
The Range of Light and Dark is VALUE
Caravaggio and Chiaroscuro The Taking of Christ
Rembrant, Self Portrait Chiaroscuro or shading is used to make something appear 3 dimensional, to represent the effects of reflected light, to help establish mood.
Sir Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton discovered that color is a property of light.
The band of colors are formed when a beam of white light is broken up by passing through a prism; consists of 7 rays each visible as a color.
An apple looks red because it absorbs every color except red....which it REFLECTS.
Mixing colored lights is ADDITIVE…when all colors are combined, the result is WHITE.
Combining colored pigments is SUBTRACTIVE and results in darker color.
a BLACK surface absorbs all colors
Primary, Secondary, Intermediate Colors
Primary Colors or Hues Red Red Yellow Yellow Blue Blue All other pigment All other pigment hues is made by hues is made by mixing primary mixing primary colors. colors.
Secondary Colors or Hues Blue + Yellow = Green Blue + Yellow = Green Blue + Red = Violet Blue + Red = Violet Red + Yellow = Orange Red + Yellow = Orange
Tertiary or Intermediate Colors Yellow + Green = Yellow Green Yellow + Green = Yellow Green Blue + Green = Blue Green Blue + Green = Blue Green Blue + Violet = Blue Violet Blue + Violet = Blue Violet Red + Violet = Red Violet Red + Violet = Red Violet Red + Orange = Red Orange Red + Orange = Red Orange Yellow + Orange = Yellow Orange Yellow + Orange = Yellow Orange
A color wheel is a formal arrangement of primary, secondary, & intermediate colors.
TINTS are made by adding white to a color & SHADE is a dark value of a color by adding black. TINTS are made by adding white to a color & SHADE is a dark value of a color by adding black.
Black, White, & Gray are NEUTRAL…they have no identifiable hues.
COMPLIMENTARY colors are opposite of each other.
When you mix a color with its compliment…. the color will be duller than the original colors.
Intensity and Tone Intensity is the pure Intensity is the pure color. color. Tone is the duller Tone is the duller color when color when complimentary complimentary colors are mixed. colors are mixed.
Analogous Colors Colors that are next Colors that are next to each other on to each other on the color wheel. the color wheel. They are closely They are closely related colors. related colors.
Complementary Colors Two colors which are directly opposite on the color wheel Two colors which are directly opposite on the color wheel They are extreme Contrast colors They are extreme Contrast colors
Split Complementary Colors A hue which is combined with hues on either side of its complement. A hue which is combined with hues on either side of its complement.
Vincent Van Gogh “I know for sure I have an instinct for color” Analogous Colors
Van Gogh The Night Cafe “Painting is in the “Painting is in the very marrow of my bones” very marrow of my bones” Complementary Complementary Colors Colors
Helen Franken Haler Secondary or Secondary Triad Color Scheme
Picasso Tragedy Tragedy Monochromatic Monochromatic
Georgia O’Keeffe Analogous Colors Analogous Colors
Portrait of Mr. Gachet Who is the artist? What is the Color Scheme? Van Gogh Complementary
The Old Guitarist The Old Guitarist Who painted The Old Guitarist? What is the color Scheme? PicassoMonochromatic
Clouds Above The Sky II Clouds Above The Sky II Who is the artist? What is the color scheme? Georgia O’Keeffe Georgia O’Keeffe Monochromatic Monochromatic
Student Examples Painted Value Scale Painted Value Scale
Painted Color Value Scale
Op Art Color Value
Color Wheel
Answer on a Separate Piece of Paper 10 Questions: Title your paper: Color and Value. Title your paper: Color and Value. Add your name and period number. Add your name and period number.
Question 1 What is value?
Question 2 What is Chiaroscuro?
Question 3 Why does a banana look yellow? Why does a banana look yellow?
Question 4 Mixing colored lights is _(fill in the blank) and the result is white. Mixing colored lights is _(fill in the blank) and the result is white.
Question 5 Mixing colored pigments is subtractive and the result is (fill in the blank). Mixing colored pigments is subtractive and the result is (fill in the blank).
Question 6 Name the primary colors. Name the primary colors. Name the secondary colors. Name the secondary colors. Name the tertiary (intermediate) colors. Name the tertiary (intermediate) colors.
Question 7 What is tint? What is tint? What is shade? What is shade?
Question 8 Why is black, white, and gray a neutral color? Why is black, white, and gray a neutral color?
Question 9 What is intensity? What is intensity? What is tone? What is tone?
Question 10 What are complementary colors? What are complementary colors?