Date: Thursday, March 6th, 2014 Time:11am - 2pm Location:Kansas City Kansas Community College Technical Education Center Building 65 th & State Avenue Kansas City, Kansas Are you seeking a more diverse workforce? Need qualified, full-time or temporary candidates now? Would a bilingual employee be an asset to your company? Have all the other methods you’ve used to reach a diverse candidate base quickly produced dismal results? Univision Kansas City can help! Make your booth reservation today at Univision Kansas City’s 18th Bilingual Job Fair!
We moved a call center plant from San Antonio TX to Kansas City in March We needed to hire 40 bilingual customer service and sales people in our call center. Univision put a great results driven ad schedule and a fantastic job fair and we hired all 40 positions in 4 weeks with Univision on air schedule and job fair event! Alliance Data I really enjoyed the job fair. It presented an avenue to tap into the Hispanic community and to diversify my staff to better serve my customers. Radio Shack Excellent applicant flow- Great interactions with very diverse candidate base T-Mobile I think the location was good as well as the variety of employers. Thanks again for inviting us to participate! I’m sure we would be interested in participating in future events. Verizon Wireless This event provided interactions from employers to a qualified and diverse group of people eager to enter the workforce. Very well planned and executed. US Marine Corp 2012
Your Investment: $700 One 6’Table 2 Chairs Logo, Name & Address in Reference Guide. 2 Complimentary Lunch Tickets Stats from previous Univision Job Fairs: Employer Attendance: Average 22 Companies Registered Attendees: Average 350 job seekers
Your investment: $1, ($2200 value) Booth, complimentary brunch passes and reference guide listing $1,500 Advertising Bank for forty :15 second recruitment ads on KUKC-48. Schedule must air before March 30, Commercial production of recruitment ad included. Logo and company name inclusion in 25 promotional announcements per week for 2 weeks promoting Job Fair (50 spots). Logo inclusion on flyers distributed to: Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, KCKCC Campuses, and various Hispanic Organizations
Company Name:_________________________________________________________________ Position Available:________________________________________________________________ Job Description:______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Experience/Education required: _____________________________________________________ Preferred method for receiving applications/resumes:_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Number of positions open for this posting: ________________________ Please complete one form for each opening you are seeking to fill.
Extra Brunch $15.00/Each $15.00 = ______Total Total Amount of Job Fair Package_____________________________ Authorization Date:_________Authorizing Signature:__________________________ Printed Name & Title:__________________________________ By signing this contract for an advertising package and/or booth placement you hereby abide by the terms and conditions of KUKC-TV. This is a non-cancelable agreement. Job Fair Booth space must be prepaid by check, VISA or MC. Please logo in.tiff format to your Account Executive by February 17, 2014 to be included in the Job Fair reference guide. Company Name :_________________________________________________________________ Company Point of Contact:_________________________________________________________ Company Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_____________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________ Fax:_______________________________________ Account Executive:_____________________________