The AMDA Exhibit & Marketing Prospectus will be available in June! Why Invest in AMDA? Quick Facts 85% of Medical Directors work part-time and 91% also serve as attending physicians 60% of physician members maintain a private practice outside of LTC responsibilities 80% are Board Certified (primarily in IM and FP) Average number of LTC facilities served: 1-2 Average facility size: 100 beds per facility Average number of prescriptions an attending physician writes for LTC residents per month: 511 Average number of prescriptions written per month for patients in their private practice: 448 AMDA has over 5000 members; take advantage of the opportunity to network with these key decision makers! AMDA Members Provide Services in... Skilled Nursing Facilities Assisted Living Hospice Care Subacute/Post-acute Home Care CCRCs LTCH/LTAC Offices Clinics Hospitals
AMDA 2008 Annual Symposium March Salt Lake City, UT AMDA education focuses on the entire LTC Team! Providing credit hours for Physicians, Administrators, Nurses and Pharmacists Attendance: 1384 Professional Attendees Exhibit Dates March 6 – 7, 2008 (Salt Palace Convention Center Hall A) Exhibit Hours Thursday, March 6, :00pm-7:00pm Friday, March 7, :00am-1:30pm 5:00pm-6:30pm Exhibit Contracts will be available online in late June at
Exhibit Booth Pricing 10x10 Standard$2,000 10x10 Corner$2,500 10x20$4,500 20x20 Island$7,200 20x30 Island$10,000 20x40 Island$13,000 Standard Booth Package Includes Pipe, drape and booth identification sign Complimentary On-site Program listing Complimentary pocket guide listing Complimentary Web site listing General Exhibit Hall Cleaning General Security
Contracts received on or before September 28, 2007, will be assigned beginning with the top advocate and working down the list in succession until all companies have been assigned. The date of receipt of the application will be used to determine priority assignment. Booth space will be assigned beginning October 1, If you have any questions about your status please contact Mia Jones Proctor at or Exhibit Contracts will be available online in late June at
Abbott Alpharma Pharmaceuticals American Academy of Wound Management American College of Health Care Administrators American Geriatric Society American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Amgen Aurora Ministries Biocodex Bionix Medical Technologies Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Bristol-Meyers Squibb Calmoseptine Celleration CNS Senior Care Coast to Coast Wound Care Consultant Dietitians in Health Care Facilities e Health Data Solutions Eisai Eli Lilly & Company Caring JAMDA Epocrates Erickson Retirement Communities Esprit Pharma, Inc Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Genesis HealthCare Geriatric Associates of America Geriatrics/ Patient Care GlaxoSmithKline Healthpoint, Ltd Hill-Rom HMP Communications, LLC Indiana University of Medicine Infosys Inc. Johnson & Johnson Health Care Companies Kaiser Permanente/Colorado KCI Kindred Healthcare Longport Inc. Marlenk Innovations Inc Matrix Medical Network MedDirect MedOptions Merck Schering Plough Pharmaceuticals Merck US Human Health Mission Medical Group NADONA NCGNP Norfolk Medical Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp Novo Nordisk Nymox Corporation Odyssey HealthCare Organogenesis P&G Pharmaceuticals Pfizer Roche Diagnostics Ross Products Division Abbott Laboratories Inc. Sanofi-Aventis Santarus Schwarz Pharma Sentient Medical Systems Solvay/Wyeth Sucampo Pharmaceuticals Takeda Pharmaceuticals TAP The Cloonan Corp UCB Pharma UroVal Inc VeriChip Corporation 2007 Exhibitors VITAS Healthcare Corporation Watson Pharma Inc. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Increase your exposure and visibility by adding a sponsorship package to your booth! Level 3 $5,000 Basic Listing on AMDA Buyers Resource Guide Refreshment Break Sponsorship Level 2 $7,500 Basic Listing on AMDA Buyer’s Resource Guide 1/2 page Ad in print version of Buyers Resource Guide Door Drop at Headquarter hotels Refreshment Break Sponsorship Level 1 $10,000 Best Value!!! Upgraded listing on AMDA Buyers Resource Guide Full page Ad in print version of Buyer’s Resource Guide Full page Ad in On-site Program Book Door Drop at Headquarter hotels Refreshment Break Sponsorship Exhibitor Sponsorship Packages
Industry Supported Symposia The fee to secure a slot is $15,000. Breakfast Lunch and Dinner slots available. Forms will be available in late June at Completed forms are due to AMDA no later than September 28, Slots will be confirmed by November 1, All costs associated with speakers, food, beverage, marketing, securing CME (required), and audiovisual equipment will be the responsibility of the host company. Companies offering industry symposia must provide CME from a source other than AMDA. If you need assistance with CME contact LTC Direct at
Industry Supported Symposia ELIGIBILITY Companies desiring to host an Industry Supported Symposia must hold a minimum of Bronze AMDA Advocate Status in order to apply. Industry Supported Symposia are assigned beginning with the top advocate, with an approved application, and working down the list in succession until all slots have been filled. Up to five additional companies will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if one of the confirmed companies fails to submit their paperwork or is forced to cancel. Suggested Topics Wound care/Pressure ulcers Anemia Cardiovascular Management of COPD Herpes Zoster Infection Control Health Information Technology Epilepsy Incontinence Stroke Medication Errors and Misuse
AMDA Contacts For Industry Supported Symposia and Sponsorships Contact Megan Brey at or For Exhibit information Contact Mia Jones Proctor at or LTC Direct General Information or