Contracts & Purchasing Unit Developing monitoring arrangements Lynn Mounfield: Head of Contracts & Purchasing Unit Malcolm Price: Quality Monitoring Team Manager
Introduction Care Governance Framework Collaborative Process for Developing PIs 1) Taken views on board 2) Feedback on suggested format 3) Working Group 4) Pilot
Care Governance Framework To monitor and asses quality of social care Joined up approach to gathering market intelligence from: –Complaints –ASC Reviewing Teams, –Commissioners, –Performance and Engagement’s volunteer independent interviewers –Quality Monitoring Team –CQC –Health Care Services e.g. Continuing Health Care –Local Involvement Networks (LINKS) who will become local Health Watch branches
Outcome of Framework To identify key themes from intelligence gathered Helping focus some of Quality Monitoring Teams work Informing Commissioning cycle to promote quality Complimentary process that includes the new function of CQC and to avoid any duplication The framework will take into account National and Local drivers Promote better outcomes & improved customer care Cost effectiveness. It will also support the introduction of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) methodology.
Joint Developments with PCT/Health Colleagues Continuing health care: nursing homes + Care homes project: supporting care homes who have increased numbers of fall and hospital admissions etc
No PI submission just yet! We’ll develop them with you over the next few months
Todays draft Based on: Focussed on your quality assurance arrangements Using CQC outcomes and what you need to maintain in your updating of the CQC Provider Compliance Assessment
Project plan for PI development alongside Care Governance Sep10 initial meeting Jan11 –draft taking into account issues raised –Providers questions/ issues/ proposals Feb 11 considered response to Jan points Mar 11+ small working group with provider reps Jun 11 pilot implementation
Outcomes Focus: ASCOT Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit Control over daily life Personal care Meals and nutrition Safety Social participation and involvement Occupation and employment Accommodation, cleanliness and comfort Dignity
Personalisation agenda Establishing where you are with this development Lancashire’s Progress with Providers document Additional support: workshops etc
What now? Discussion on your tables about issues/ questions/ concerns/ proposals with the draft PI document Write down key points and we will give considered responses to them Take away the Progress for Providers document and read and respond at next Forum Can you add your details on feedback sheet if you would like to be part of the working group.