Enterprise Ideas Sustainable Small Farming & Ranching
Finding your market potential Click on image to start video
Best Centerpiece Agricultural Opportunities Joel Salatin lists in his book, “You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start and Succeed in a Farming Enterprise.” Based on certain criteria
Criteria for making the list: Low initial start-up cost relative to the ability to generate income High gross profit margin Relatively low maintenance requirements High Cash flow, quick turnaround History of high success rate
The top eight: Pastured Broilers Eggs Salad bar beef Grass based dairy
The top eight: (continued) Market garden Home bakery Bandsaw mill Small Fruits with U-pick operation
Best complimentary enterprises Criteria Use of existing infrastructure Filling low work times with cash generating jobs Evenly distributed cash flow Increased customer flow
10 best complimentary Pastured turkeys Lamb Pork Rabbit Firewood
10 best complimentary (continued) Agritourism/recreation Greenhouse/Flowers Honey and bee products Land management – stockers Cottage industry
Choosing your Animal Enterprises Consider animals that : Fit your temperament Are marketable You can raise with existing or affordable land and facilities Match your time and labor resources Are complimentary to main enterprise
Aquaculture Requires water resources MS clipart and photos
Aquaculture Requires water resources Some examples of aquaculture enterprises:
Goats for milk, cheese and/or meat MS Clipart
Goats for milk, cheese and/or meat Some examples of goat enterprises:
Sheep for meat and/or wool MS clipart & photos
Sheep for meat and/or wool Some examples of enterprises that use sheep:
Poultry MS clipart and photos
Poultry Products MS clipart and photo
Get on the bus! (Chicken run?) Slide used from Living on the Land, Western SARE PDP
Livestock and Poultry Production Click on image to start video
Exotic birds like Ostrich & Emus MS clipart photos
Pigs MS clipart photos
Pigs Examples of pig and hog enterprises:
Rabbits MS clipart photos
Cattle and other Ruminants MS clipart photos
Example of some cattle & ruminant enterprises
Buffalo MS clipart photos
Choosing your Crop Enterprises What grows in your climate What you can market Those that grow and harvest with existing or affordable equipment Crops that match your time and labor resources Complimentary to main enterprise or that can be used on the farm (feed, cover crops)
Vegetables and melons
Gourds and pumpkins
Herbs (culinary or medicinal)
Small fruits
Fruit and nut trees
Flowers, cut fresh or dried
Traditional grains MS clipart photos
Pasture, hay and cover crops MS clipart photos
Timber and other tree crops MS clipart photos
Other potential enterprises MS clipart photos
Summary Many choices and many factors to consider At this point you should select something that is a possibility for you The duration of the course will involve an evaluation of the feasibility of this enterprise
Credits Presentation developed by Cultivating Success TM : Sustainable Small Farms Education. Photos provided by Cultivating Success TM Staff, unless otherwise noted. Video segments taken from: “Meadowlark Farm: A Case Study of a Small-Acreage Farm” produced by Ben Troka, University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Copywrite 2005, University of Idaho.