6 th Grade Art & Introduction to Art
HUE: is the color we see (such as red) VALUE: is the lightness or darkness of a color (maroon is a dark value of red and pink is a light value) TINT: When white is added to a color SHADE: When black is added to a color
There are 3 PRIMARY colors: Red, Yellow and Blue These colors CANNOT be mixed to be made They make all the other colors on the wheel If you draw straight lines connecting the primaries, you will create a triangle
When you mix equal parts of 2 primary colors together, you get a SECONDARY color Secondary colors are Orange, Green, and Violet (Purple) If you draw straight lines connecting secondary colors, you will create a triangle
When you mix a primary and a secondary color together, you will get a TERTIARY color Tertiary colors are Red-Orange, Red-Violet, Blue-Green, Blue- Violet, Yellow-Orange and Yellow-Green. The PRIMARY color is always named first.
Colors have a visual temperature WARM Some are WARM COOL and some are COOL
Red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange and yellow are warm colors Warm colors appear to advance (or come forward) in a picture and make objects appear to be larger They remind us of fire or sun.
The Color Wheel – WARM COLORS
Greens, blues, and violets are cool colors. Cool colors appear to recede (or go back into) the picture and make objects seem smaller. These colors are calm and restful.
The Color Wheel – COOL COLORS
Yellow-Green and Red-Violet can function as either warm or cool since they have properties of both. In a painting that is primarily cool, red-violet would add warmth while in a warm color scheme, it would appear cooler
pink When white is added to a hue, the resulting color is called a TINT---for example, pink is the resulting color when white is added to red. When black is added to a hue, it produces a SHADE. Navy blue is a shade of blue and maroon is a shade of red. By adding gray to a hue, it produces a TONE. This dilutes the intensity of the color. (Makes it duller)
Color Schemes Color Schemes are colors that naturally fit together to make your artwork nicer. Monochromatic: (mono = one and chromatic = color) All the shades and tints of one color.
DIRECTLY OPPOSITE Complimentary: In a complimentary color scheme, 2 colors compliment each other because they are equally strong. Complimentary colors are DIRECTLY OPPOSITE each other on the color wheel. Complimentary colors can create an optical illusion because they can visually vibrate next to each other.
A Split Complimentary color scheme is when you chose a color and the two colors on either side of the chosen colors compliment.
A Triadic color scheme is a set of 3 colors (tri means 3) that are equally spaced apart on the color wheel.
An Analogous color scheme is the use of 3-4 colors that are next door neighbors because they live side by side on the color wheel.
NOT Black, White, Gray and Brown are neutral colors and are NOT on the color wheel.