Athletics Compliance Office Review – Recommendations, Responses and Best Practices Presentation at PAC-12 Meetings December 2013
Introduction/Overview Review done by Bond, Schoeneck and King (BSK) Report completed May 14, 2012 Responses sent back to BSK in early September 2013 General impressions
Awards Recommendation – Create a system for more accurately monitoring student-athlete awards Response – Draft and implement an awards policy – Designate the equipment office as the purchaser of all awards for all sports – Create an approval process that includes sports supervisors and compliance
Awards Best Practices – Centralized responsibility – Communication – Tiered system – Award suites Questions/Discussion
Equipment Recommendation – Centralize the equipment issuance and retrieval process. Response – Developed policy – Purchased SportSoft equipment inventory control software – All equipment is ordered and received through the equipment office – Assigned barcodes to both inventory and individuals – Scan in inventory as it arrives, scan out to individuals
Equipment Best Practices – Centralized responsibility – Communication – Accountability Questions/Discussion
Eligibility Certification Recommendation (for Continuing, Initial and Transfer Academic Eligibility) Random sampling by an external entity of all phases of the eligibility certification process. Response As a result of BSK review an Athletics Compliance Advisory Group was formed. Topic brought to the group to discuss solutions to recommendation (i.e., who should perform the audits, what data should be reviewed, sample size of group getting audited, etc.) Best Practices It was recommended, if possible, that the Pac-12 perform the audit (for all institutions?). Questions/Discussion A re other institutions being audited by an external entity? What are the thoughts on Pac-12 performing the audits?
Team Travel Recommendation 1. Augment current procedures by creating a Travel Manifest Form. Travel Manifest Form then be reviewed by the business office. 2. Educate the department’s travel agent. Response 1. Current clearance for competition practices performed by the compliance office determined to be sufficient. 2. Department recently partnered with Anthony Travel and the travel agent is in-house. Best Practices 1. Continue to be thorough with the team travel review/clearance process. Software system to be integrated as a part of clearance. 2. Education specific to the in-house travel agent’s responsibility completed. Continued annual rules education will be scheduled.
Team Travel Questions/Discussion 1. Software Systems – Has this been useful for this process? 2. Do other schools have in-house travel agents? Has this been beneficial? How regular are educational sessions performed?
Financial Aid Recommendation 1.Create a regular audit; external oversight 2.Develop systems and forms for certain exemptions Response 1.Aid amounts and cost of attendance; refund review; stipend approval; Banner-JumpForward audit; outside individual with oversight 2.Academic honor awards; noncounter certification; outside aid Best Practices – Audit – Financial Aid Office communication and training
Amateurism Recommendation – Better research and document amateur period from final certification to arrival for fall term Response – Review of Amateurism Certification Report – Search for and utilize appropriate documentation Best Practices – Suggestions?
Complimentary Admissions Recommendation 1.Create a Master List 2.Monitor usage and recipients of coaching staff and athletic director complimentary admissions Response 1.Created and Used; Efficiency? 2.Logs for all staff usage of complimentary tickets Best Practices – Software systems – Audits