Color: is another one of the elements of art. When light is reflected off an object, color is what the eye sees. Light is composed off all the colors, the full spectrum. When light hits an object some of the light is absorbed, and some is reflected. What is reflected is what we see.
Draw the diagram on your notes
Color has three properties Hue: the name of the color Value: the lightness or darkness of a color Intensity: the quality of brightness and purity Value scale: Intensity scale:
The color wheel is a tool used to help understand color
There are different categories of colors: Primary colors: Red, Yellow, Blue. They are called primary because with them all other colors are mixed and you can’t make them by mixing any colors Secondary colors: Green, orange, violet (purple). They are called secondary colors because they are made by mixing two primary colors. Tertiary or intermediate colors: yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, red- violet, red-orange. Made by mixing a primary and secondary color.
Red Yellow Blue Red + yellow = Orange Blue + red = Violet (purple) Yellow + blue = Green Blue + green = blue-green Blue + violet = blue-violet Red + violet = red-violet Red + orange = red-orange Yellow + orange = yellow-orange Yellow + green = yellow-green Primary Secondary Tertiary
Tertiary, third floor. Needs the primary AND secondary colors Secondary, second floor. Needs the primary Primary, first floor. Supports/ makes everything Red, Blue, Yellow Green, Violet, Orange BG, BV, YG, YO, RO, RV
ROY G. BV R – Red O – Orange Y – Yellow G – Green B – Blue V - Violet
Primary: Red, Blue, Yellow Secondary: Green, Orange, Violet Tertiary: YO, YG, BG, BV, RV, RO Neutrals: Black, White, Grey, Brown. Any color that is not intense (or any color that is dull) Neutrals are made by mixing compliments or opposites.
A color scheme is a plan for organizing colors. Unorganized colors or unplanned colors are very confusing to your eye, like listening to unorganized music.
Monochromatic: Mono=1 Chroma=color. A color scheme using only one color and that color’s tints and shades.
Analogous Colors: These are colors that sit side by side on the color wheel. For example Violet, red-violet, and red. Or green, blue- green, and blue.
Complimentary colors: These are colors that are located OPPOSITE of each other on the color wheel. They are thought of as opposites in the same way black and white are thought of as opposites. Complimentary colors produce the greatest contrast you can get with color.
Complement of red = green Compliment of blue = orange Compliment of yellow = violet
Color Triads: This color scheme is made up of three (think TRIads) colors that are equally spaced on the color wheel. Essentially the primary OR the secondary colors.
Warm and Cool colors: The color wheel can be divided into two groups, warm and cool. Warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. They are associated with warm things like sunshine and fire. Cool colors are blue, green, and violet. They are associated with cool things like ice, snow, and water. Cool colors seem to recede in a painting and warm colors seem to come forward in a painting. This can be used to create depth.
Neutral Colors: neutral colors are grays and browns, or any dull version of a color. How do you make neutral colors? 1. Mix complimentary colors: Blue + orange Green + red Violet + yellow Doing this gets various browns. This also neutralizes bright colors, changes their intensity. Blue + orange = dull blue Black and white = gray
Monochromatic Analogous Complimentary Color Triad Warm Cool Neutral 1.Start with drawing a design using a variety of different kinds of lines. 2.After the basic design is done divide the paper into 7 strips. To do this mark off ever 2.5 inches and divide the paper with a line. 3.After this, paint each section using a different color scheme. Use the following order.