Good Business Letter 規範的商業書信 Reference: International Business Correspondence For All Occasions (Macmillan)
General Guidelines -1 Be clear, brief and businesslike. Don’t write confused, overlong or pointless letters. Be polite, friendly and informal. Don’t be rude or patronizing.
General Guidelines -2 Write concise and purposeful letter. Don’t try to write in a literary style. Write to communicate. Don’t try to impress with your writing.
Keep your letters:
Organizing letters follow the same patter, making clear the 1 st paragraph purpose The next paragraph or paragraphs circumstances the final paragraph action
Letter Style -1 Three popular styles used in business correspondence: full-blocked style semi-blocked style modified blocked style
Letter Style the appearance of the letter Full Block Semi-Block 1.1 position of dateline 2. indented first line of the paragraph 1.2 complimentary closing and signature in the middle of the page
Letter Style the modified- blocked style This style is the combination of the full-blocked and semi- blocked styles. The only difference is that the opening line of each paragraph is not indented.
Basic parts of a letter Letterhead Date Inside Address /Addresser’s address Salutation Body of the letter Complimentary Closing Signature sample
(1) Date 英式;美式 (2) Inside Address (3) Salutation (4) Body (5) Complimentary Close (6) Signature P.S. Please check out our Christmas seleciton at (7) Enclosure Notation 標示法為 Enclosure 或縮 寫為 Enc. 及 Encl. 或寫 Attachment , 表數量時可這 樣寫: 1 Enc. Enc. (1) 3 Encs. Attachment:3 Enc. (8) Postscript 寫法: P.S. PS. PS 6 Basic parts of the letter
Exercise 1.1 What are the seven basic parts of a business letter? How do you write the following dates in English? 二 0 一三年九月九日 民國 102 年 10 月 5 日 State the differences among the three letter styles: full-blocked style,