2nd 6 Weeks Extra Credit Assignment Non Price Determinants of Demand and Supply
Choose one Non Price Determinant of Demand OR one Non Price Determinant of Supply Take or find 10 photos illustrating that Non Price Determinant. Provide a caption for each photo explaining what the photo is and why it is that Non Price Determinant
Cold medicine and soup are complimentary related goods. They are oftentimes used together when someone is sick.
Aluminum foil and potatoes are complimentary related goods because both are bought to make baked potatoes.
Ranch dressing and lettuce are complimentary related goods because they are used together in salads.
Photos may be taken anywhere— grocery store, mall, restaurant, downloaded from internet, etc. IF PHOTOS OF RELATED GOODS, PRICE OF INPUT, OR PRICE OF OTHER GOODS are used, both goods must be in the same photo.
Extra Credit worth 5 points added to the final 2nd 6 Weeks average Due at 11:59 pm on Thursday, November 8 to me at or print off and hand in to me Please include your name and class period in the subject line. Check with me to make sure that I did receive your assignment. It gone into the spam folder without my knowledge. Creating a PowerPoint will be an easy way to post the photos