11 th Workshop Uppsala – June EU Council Regulation 870/2004 on the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture Mike Roper
Background Replaces previous Genetic Resources Regulation /94 (5 year programme) Replaces previous Genetic Resources Regulation /94 (5 year programme) New Council Regulation 870/2004 published in Official Journal on New Council Regulation 870/2004 published in Official Journal on Complimentary to the Rural Development Regulation 1257/99 Complimentary to the Rural Development Regulation 1257/99 Delayed by complex procedures and staff shortages – new responsible person: Delayed by complex procedures and staff shortages – new responsible person: Olivier Diana
Aims To conserve, characterise, collect and utilise biological & genetic diversity in agriculture To conserve, characterise, collect and utilise biological & genetic diversity in agriculture To contribute to the aims of the CBD To contribute to the aims of the CBD To complement the positive impact of the work of the ERFP et al on agriculture in Europe To complement the positive impact of the work of the ERFP et al on agriculture in Europe To promote sustainable production and development of rural areas To promote sustainable production and development of rural areas Product quality; diversification; low inputs
Aims - 2 To conserve FAnGR – in situ (on farm) & ex situ for current and future use To conserve FAnGR – in situ (on farm) & ex situ for current and future use To increase use of under-utilised breeds To increase use of under-utilised breeds To encourage information flow by: To encourage information flow by: Decentralised web-based inventories New trans – border initiatives To complement national activities To complement national activities
Scope Covers Plants, Animals, Microbes, Forestry + any species which may be used in agri Covers Plants, Animals, Microbes, Forestry + any species which may be used in agri Runs 2004 – 2006; Max duration 4 years Runs 2004 – 2006; Max duration 4 years Open to third countries (EFTA/EAA & associated countries) Open to third countries (EFTA/EAA & associated countries) Open to public sector bodies, gene banks, NGOs, breeders, technical institutes etc Open to public sector bodies, gene banks, NGOs, breeders, technical institutes etc 2 Calls for Action – 2005 & Calls for Action – 2005 & 2006
Eligible Actions Targeted Actions (max 50% funded) Targeted Actions (max 50% funded) Web-based national inventories (ref. NCs) Development of standard criteria for NAPs Establishment of European/national cryo- conserves Characterisation/evaluation of breeds Establishment of standardised performance testing regimes
Eligible actions - contd Establishment of Ark farms etc Development of cross national breeding programmes for endangered breeds Development of marketing, environmental management and rural development strategies to promote value of local breeds Development of European utilisation strategies for under-used breeds
Eligible Actions - contd Concerted Actions (max. 80%) Concerted Actions (max. 80%) Promoting exchange of information & co- ordination of existing national actions Must be trans-national Accompanying Actions (max 80%) Accompanying Actions (max 80%) Seminars, technical conferences Meetings with NGOs/stakeholders Training courses Preparation of technical reports Can be national actions
Budget – Euro 10m Indicative Financial Breakdown % Actions90 Targeted Actions 73 Ex-situ & in situ conservation, characterisation, collection & utilisation of GR (53) Web-based European decentralised inventories (20) Concerted Actions 9 Accompanying Actions 8 Technical Assistance & Consultation 10
Project Organisation Applicant Contact with EU Sponsor Sponsor = Partner C Partner B Partner A
Project Call 2005 Guide on web Guide on web Final draft documentation for callJune Final draft documentation for callJune MS comments in 2 weeksMid June MS comments in 2 weeksMid June Commission internal consultation – 3 wks Commission internal consultation – 3 wks Official vote on draftEarly July Official vote on draftEarly July Call for proposals in OJJuly Call for proposals in OJJuly Application deadline – early October Application deadline – early October Decision on proposals – before year end! Decision on proposals – before year end!
Panel of Experts Commission will draw from established list - ? DG Research experts database Commission will draw from established list - ? DG Research experts database They will issue a “Restricted call for tender”. Selection on cost/experience They will issue a “Restricted call for tender”. Selection on cost/experience New names can enter established list New names can enter established list English language skills No conflict of interests – independent Need names of FAnGR specialists on list!
Question for Discussion Should ERFP act as a sponsor for suitable projects? Should ERFP act as a sponsor for suitable projects?