Draft Definition: OIML Conformity to Type (CTT) Presented to: Follow-up OIML Seminar on Conformity to Type (CTT- II) Prague 10 Oct 2011 Presented by: Stephen O’Brien - CIML Member Manager, Measurement and Product Safety Service Ministry of Consumer Affairs New Zealand
Conformity to Type Utrecht seminar highlighted that CTT has a variety of potential meanings Defining what is meant by CTT is the first step before we consider what (if any) role OIML should or could play Created a ‘Straw man’ working definition for your consideration Invite your consideration and comment
OIML Conformity to Type? OIML CTT activity would be voluntary in nature for participants CTT would involve Conformity Assessment – “testing and evaluation of a measuring instrument to ascertain whether or not a single instrument, an instrument lot or a production series of instruments comply with all the statutory requirements applicable to this instrument type” (D16).
OIML Conformity to Type? Assessment against subset of the requirements prescribed in the relevant OIML Recommendation Could include: – examination of the instrument – limited targeted testing of: influence factors, disturbance factors, endurance and performance Testing completed in a suitably equipped and competent laboratory
Other key considerations Where would CTT fit within the existing structure of Legal Metrological Controls? At what point within the supply chain CTT occur?
Provisional Answers - CTT Voluntary form of metrological supervision Distinct from but complimentary to existing Legal Metrology Controls like: – national standards for instrument type – legal units of measurement – type approval – initial and subsequent verification
Provisional Answers - CTT Primarily pre-market surveillance activity involving conformity assessment of a production instrument Focus is on a production instrument or instruments CTT could also include Quality System Surveillance of a manufacturer
Draft Definition OIML Conformity to Type: A voluntary system combining pre-market and quality system surveillance activities focused on the conformity assessment of measuring instruments to give assurance that manufactured (or production) instruments meet the requirements applicable to their approved type.
Feedback and Discussion I would now invite your comment and suggestions on further developing the ‘Straw man’ Working Definition of CTT Thank you for your time and attention.