Writing Skill General English and Soft Skills Classes Day 6 Vipul R. Solanki 1
Language consists fours skills(LSRW). LListeningPassive SSpeakingActive RReadingPassive WWritingActive 2 Writing Skill
3 Writing means to concretize one’s ideas on paper-sheet/screen. The ideas are generated in abstract form in one’s mind that can not be communicated without decoding. Hence, writing is a process of decoding the abstract ideas to communicate to others. “Tell them what you are going to say, say it, and tell them what you have said.”
Writing Skill Writing is part of communication process. Writer(Sender) Channel Reader (Receiver) Encoding Decoding Feed back
5 Writing Skill Here, writing doesn’t mean Calligraphy. Writing is generation of new ideas on a particular subject and presentation of these ideas in an effective way.
6 Writing Skill PlanningTranslatingReviewing Monitoring The Process of Writing:
7 Writing Skill Tips for Effective Writing: Define subject and gather adequate information about it. Think of the criteria of writing on any particular subject Use appropriate language as per the demand and treatment of the subject. Better not to use jargons and registers excessively.
8 Writing Skill Technical Forms of Writing: Letter Memo(Memorandum) Circular Notice Report Proposal Research Paper Abstract Synopsis Dissertation/Thesis
9 Letter Writing Writing Skill
TYPES OF LETTER 10 0 Personal and Social Letter 0 To say hello 0 Letters of greeting and congratulation 0 Letters of thanks 0 Letters of condolence 0 Invitation letters 0 Letters of sympathy 0 Family letters etc. 0 Business Letters 0 Covering letter for job application 0 Sales letter 0 Business inquiry letter 0 Complaint letter 0 Adjustment letter 0 Order letter 0 Regret letter etc.
Formats of Letter 11
12 Salutation Date Main Body Complimentary Close Writing Skill- Letter Writing – Personal Letter
13 Receiver’s Address Sub: Date Salutation Sender’s Address Reference No Block Layout Writing Skill- Letter Writing - Business Letter formats - Block Layout
14 Main Body In Paragraph/s Complimentary Close PS Encl Copy Writing Skill- Letter Writing - Business Letter formats - Block Layout
15 Receiver’s Address Sub: Date Salutation Sender’s Address Reference No Modified Block Layout Writing Skill- Letter Writing – Block Layout
16 Main Body In Paragraph/s Complimentary Close PS Encl Copy Writing Skill- Letter Writing – Block Layout
Sender’s Address 17 0 Name of the writer 0 Designation 0 Name for the company/ institute 0 Name of the building (if given) 0 Number of the premises or street no (if given) 0 Area (if given) 0 City and pin code Dr. Sachin Parikh, The Principal, V.V.P. Engineering College, Kalawad Road, Vajdi – Virda, Rakot/ RAJKOT INDIA
18 Writing Skill DATE: DD/MM/YY MM/DD/YY 10/12/ 12/10/ 10 TH DEC, 2010 DECEMBER 10, 2010
Receiver’s Address 19 0 Name of the recipient 0 Designations 0 Name for the company/ institute 0 Name of the building (if given) 0 Number of the premises or street no (if given) 0 Area (if given) 0 City and pin code Dr. Sachin Parikh, The Principal, V.V.P. Engineering College, Kalawad Road, Vajdi – Virda, Rakot/ RAJKOT INDIA
Receiver’s Address Example: The PrincipalAcademic Institute The HeadDepartment The WardenHostel The EditorPublishing Agency The SecretaryClub The ProprietorShop The ShopkeeperShop The ManagerHoteletc. 20
21 Writing Skill Use appropriately the titles: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Prof.
22 Writing Skill Subject Subject is the gist of the letter It should be brief as much as possible Sub: To inquire about the fee structure of B. E. course SUB: TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE FEE STRUCTURE OF B.E. COURSE
23 Writing Skill Salutation Salutation is generally written after subject Sometimes also written before the subject It is to directly address the reader to draw his/her attention Respected Sir/Madam Dear Sir/Madam
24 Writing Skill Main Body The main body is the detailed explanation of the subject It should not be started like anything but Initially, the intention of writing should be made clear; as I am writing to ask about the delivery of the parcel I am writing to conform the cheque no for the last delivery
25 Writing Skill I am writing to invite you as the chief guest on the annual function of our college. I am writing to thank you for your kind help and support in the matter of examination. It is to inquire about the availability of B. E. first year books as per GTU syllabi. I would like to invite you for the annual function of our college. This is to apologize for the inconveniency caused to you in the delivery of last consignment.
26 Writing Skill Hereby, you are informed that we still haven't receive the delivery of laptops. It is to complain you/about……… I am glad to inform you that ……… It is to apply for the post of ……… With reference to your letter/circular no : VVP/GEN/25/12/10/10, …….. With reference to your advertisement appeared in Times of India dated ………
27 Writing Skill Hereby, you are reminded about…… Closing the main body: I look forward to hear from you soon. I look forward to meet you in the annual function. We would appreciate an early reply. An early reply will be greatly appreciated. I will be grateful for your prompt answer. Thank you. Thanking you in advance. Thank you for your anticipation.
28 Writing Skill Complimentary Close It consists below given information: Yours faithfully/sincerely/truly/obedient Sign Name Designation
29 Writing Skill Post Script It is after thought of the message that requires emphasis. Punch line is also written as Post Script. PS: P.S.:
30 Writing Skill Copy C:Copy CC:Courtesy copy OPC:Blind Photocopy Example: C:Twoor C:
31 Writing Skill Enclosure Gives list of the documents attached with the letter as; Encl:1_____Name of the Doc____ 2____________________________ 3____________________________
32 Writing Skill Thank You