What is “rendering”?
Vanishing Point One Point Perspective
Horizon line
Homework: Complete train rendering exercise (three materials). Hand to Miss Light on ……………………
Lesson Objectives To learn how to apply different textures to a drawing to give an idea of the materials an object is made from. Success Criteria Must Be able to show an understanding of how to render wood, metal and plastic. Should Be able to show an understanding of how to render glass, fabric and concrete. Could Be able to use the techniques learned and apply them to a drawing.
Rendering Wood 1) Draw outline of block using yellow or light brown.
Rendering Wood 1) Draw outline of block using yellow or light brown. 2) Shade lightly, leaving white gaps.
Rendering Wood 1) Draw outline of block using yellow or light brown. 2) Shade lightly, leaving white gaps. 3) Add grain in a darker tone. There are three main types of grain (lines, V’s and knots).
Rendering Wood 1) Draw outline of block using yellow or light brown. 2) Shade lightly, leaving white gaps. 3) Add grain in a darker tone.
Rendering Metal 1) Draw outline of block lightly using a black pencil.
Rendering Metal 1) Draw outline of block lightly using a black pencil. 2) Shade in darker areas near the edges of each face, leaving the middle white.
Rendering Metal 1) Draw outline of block lightly using a black pencil. 2) Shade in darker areas near the edges of each face, leaving the middle white. 3) Add tints of colour in centre.
Rendering Plastic 1) Pick a bright colour to draw in outlines and diagonal line on front face.
Rendering Plastic 1) Pick a bright colour to draw in outlines and diagonal line on front face. 2) Add lighter line either side of the centre line and shade gently around it.
Rendering Plastic 1) Pick a bright colour to draw in outlines and diagonal line on front face. 2) Add lighter line either side of the centre line and shade gently around it. 3) Leave small white gap and then shade darker towards the edges.
Have a go… wood metal plastic
Rendering Glass 1) Use blue to draw outline, including lines you can see through the glass.
Rendering Glass 1) Use blue to draw outline, including lines you can see through the glass. 2) Draw diagonal lines in opposite directions across the front face and back face.
Rendering Glass 1) Use blue to draw outline, including lines you can see through the glass. 2) Draw diagonal lines in opposite directions across the front face and back face. 3) Shade lightly towards each edge of the glass.
Rendering Fabric 1) Draw outline without using a ruler.
Rendering Fabric 1) Draw outline without using a ruler. 2) Draw lots of diagonal lines across each face.
Rendering Fabric 1) Draw outline without using a ruler. 2) Draw lots of diagonal lines across each face. 3) Draw lots of diagonal lines in the opposite direction over the top of the lines you have just drawn (cross-hatching). Shade lightly over white gaps.
Rendering Concrete 1) Put a piece of glass paper under your paper and draw outlines using black or gray.
Rendering Concrete 1) Put a piece of glass paper under your paper and draw outlines using black or gray. 2) Shade gently over the paper with black or gray pencil..
Rendering Concrete 1) Put a piece of glass paper under your paper and draw outlines using black or gray. 2) Shade gently over the paper with black or gray pencil.. 3) Shade lines of light brown over the top in the opposite direction.
Have a go… glass fabric concrete
Train Exercise…
What is “rendering”?