Value describes the lightness of a color
Hatching Fine parallel lines fill an area, so that from just a slight distance, we have the illusion of value. The closer the lines are, the less white paper shows, and the darker the value appears. Heavier line weight (pressing more firmly) also gives a darker appearance.
Contour Hatching Hatching which follows a contour of a shape will help to make objects appear more three-dimensional.
Crosshatching Crosshatching uses layers of hatching placed at an angle. Usually, the first layer would be vertical, the next horizontal, the next at forty-five degrees, and so on. This methodical approach can look a little mechanical, so artists often use variation in direction to add interest.
Scumbling Scumbling, often called the 'brillo pad' technique, uses layers of small scribbled marks to build up value and texture. Varying the direction and shape adds more interest than a simple circular scribble.
Stippling Stippling uses tiny dots to create value. The closer together the dots, the darker the tone. Larger dots create a denser tonal value more quickly, but can look coarse. Adapted by Green from
Edward Gorey
What can you create?
Value Scale A value scale is simple drawing tool that can help you see and draw values correctly. How to use a Value Scale Hold the value scale in front of your drawing subject, squint your eyes, and look to see what part of the grey scale matches. As you are drawing, use the grey scale to check the value you are creating in the same way. To create a value finder on your value scale use a hole punch to create a hole in each value square. Visit the website below to print a value scale out!
This is a great way to practice drawing value.
Creating a tonal value scale while practicing is a great way to ensure you represent a wide range.
How does light effect value? Where is the light source in this drawing?
What media would be good for experimenting with value?
Values can be exercised in all colors, by adding different amounts of a darker hue to a lighter hue.