PowerPoint by : Cesarina Rounce Due:
Biography of Francisco de Goya Goya was born on March 30, He was apprenticed to a local painter at 14, then went on to study in Italy to complete his training. Goya became deaf after a serious illness, this allowed Goya to focus on his own style rather then be concerned with what others thought. He developed a bold new style all his own, that is closely related to caricature. During the Napoleonic war and the Spanish War for Independence, Goya served as court painter to the French Goya ended his life in voluntary exile in France Today many of his paintings can be seen in Madrid’s Prado art museum
Background Information On “The Third Of May” The Third of May is a depiction of French troops massacring Spanish rebels. The Third of May happened in 1808, yet the painting was not completed until 1814 The painting commemorates the Spanish resistance to Napoleon’s invasion. The painting was one of the first to depict the actual horrors of war in gruesome tones. The Spanish name for the piece is “El Tres de Mayo de 1808 en Madrid” The Third of May is a depiction of French troops massacring Spanish rebels. The Third of May happened in 1808, yet the painting was not completed until 1814 The painting commemorates the Spanish resistance to Napoleon’s invasion. The painting was one of the first to depict the actual horrors of war in gruesome tones. The Spanish name for the piece is “El Tres de Mayo de 1808 en Madrid”
Study the image. What are your observations? My first observation is the man in white. He is the only one who is standing completely upright, everyone else in the photo is bent over or on their knees. The second thing I noticed was the looming black sky. It sets the mood of the piece, and gives it a bleak look Next I noticed the closeness of the gunmen and how they were in the shadow of the painting, and they slowly get darker and darker The bodies on the ground were my next focus as the vibrancy of the red drew my eye. Next I took in the landscape the hill, the path, and the church in the background.
The Romantics vs. the Realists Is the painting an example of a realist or romantic painting? Why? Why: This painting is an example of realist artwork; because the painting shows a real event that took place. This painting shows the world as it really is. It shows the world as a place of violence and brutality. The ugly side of men’s nature is the focus of this painting. Romantic -the perfect, ideal world -the beautiful -the innocent -the pastoral Realist -how it really is -the ugly -the exploited -the urban Vs.
Which of the three appeals is best supported by this painting? The appeal best supported by the painting is pathos, or emotional appeal. The scene depicted below is of a massacre of civilians. The lighting in the painting draws the eye to the man at gunpoint and the bodies at his feet. When seeing this painting for the first time you are overcome with the feeling that this is a forgone conclusion, and they are going to die. This feels you with a sense of hopelessness and despair. PATHOS ETHOS LOGOS
What is the focus of the painting? How can you tell? The focus of the painting is on the man in the white shirt. You can tell that this is meant to be the focus because of the artist’s use of light and color. The light in the painting draws your eye to the left of the painting; while the brightness of his shirt and pants draws specific attention to him. His upward hands suggest surrender, but the closeness of the gun squad advocate the French will show no mercy.
What irony do you see in the painting? Explain. *The obvious irony is that of the church in the background. The fact that a church is seen, while rebels are shot contrasts the Godliness of the church with the evils of war. *The close range at which the gunmen stand to the rebels is ironic. They stand at a range to where they could reach out and touch tem. This is important because it shows the unfairness of the whole situation.
Is there a reason the artist show the faces of the rebels yet hides the faces of the French? Yes there is. The artist is painting from the perspective of the revels, he wants the viewer to connect and feel empathy for them. By not showing the faces of the shooters it makes them less human like, and consequently easier to dislike. It is just like the phrase “the man.” The man is who is to blame for all of society’s problems, the man is purposely just a faceless name, that way everyone can associate him with what ails them.
What is the purpose of the image? The purpose of the image is to document an important day in Spanish history. This piece shows the brutality with which Napoleons troops beat down the Spanish uprising. The painting shows the viciousness the French used to quell the Spaniards.
Analyze using the rhetorical triangle. explain. Logos : the message * The message is one of despair and hopelessness. The rebels have accepted their fate and spend their last moments praying, or crouching in fear. Pathos: the audience * The audience is Spain. Goya painted this piece to commemorate their resistance to the French. The painting was highly praised, and the monarch of the French even hung it in the palace. Ethos: the author * The author is Goya. He paints from the perspective of Spain. From his painting you gather he feels empathy for the rebels and though this day ended in misery, he felt it needed to be remembered.
What message does the painting convey? How? The painting shows a feeling of fear. The multitude is at gunpoint and fears for their lives. This is shown by their downcast faces and upraised hands. One man clenches his hands in a downward position as if reaching towards the ground. On the right side of the man in white a crowd awaits their ultimate demise. Some of them crouch, while others cover their ears and eyes in fear.
What symbols do you see in the painting? The first symbol is the v of the peoples arms. This symbolizes their plea for mercy. The symbol is repeated in the upward motion of the man in white, in the sprawled form of the man covered in blood, and the v seen in the bent legs of the man in red trousers. The next symbol is the path. It represents life. The people stand on the path, resisting death(the soldiers) yet with no way to fight back. The third symbol is the soldiers they are death. The way Goya intentionally leaves the faces of the soldiers so they are unseen makes me think of the headless horse men.
Resources Picture:Goya, Francisco de.The Third of May.Prado Muesem.Madrid,Spain Websites used: Picture:Goya, Francisco de.The Third of May.Prado Muesem.Madrid,Spain Websites used: