TEM GRID vs. DIME OU NanoLab/NSF NUE/Bumm & Johnson
How do they look under microscope? Square Grid Hexagonal Grid 200 mesh 55% open area, 28 µm bar width Thick:17.8 µm 3 mm OU NanoLab/NSF NUE/Bumm & Johnson
TEM Grid Preparation There are two sides in carbon coated ultra-thin grid Formvar side - lighter side (less hydrophobic than the carbon film) Carbon film is on the darker side. OU NanoLab/NSF NUE/Bumm & Johnson
TEM Grid Preparation Hold the grid with tweezers. Do not touch/contaminate the grid. Do not bend the grid. OU NanoLab/NSF NUE/Bumm & Johnson
TEM GRID PREPARATION Take a micropipette and put a droplet on top the grid. Let the solution sit on the grid. After 10-12 min, wick away the rest of the solution with filter paper. Do not touch the grid! Finally let it sit until the grid dries off. OU NanoLab/NSF NUE/Bumm & Johnson