GSRS 2.1 Training Module S.2.1 Navigation General GSRS Support team Philips Supply Management May-09-2007
How to navigate the GSRS System? Each page has its own navigation tool bar (see the gray toolbar on the top of each page). Sub-categories will be listed automatically when you click on each option on gray toolbar. The orange color will appear when you click on each option of gray toolbar Screen description is provided in the middle of lighter blue bar. On the right side, there are more results provided. “Mouse over” function activates the legends in every page. The legends are provided on the majority of screens, which providing a user-friendly guide to the screens content and providing a navigational aid. (See orange frame on next slide) Suppliers can only change information in “Action list” and “User profile”. NOTE: Back / forward buttons still don’t work correctly. Please try to use gray toolbar and other functions in the page.
Explanation of CTR and ORT CTR: Contract to supplier. It is a overall supplier name which individual supplier sites/operations are reporting to. ORT: Order to supplier. Individual supplier sites/operation who deliver the goods.
Ranking Tab -1 After you log on into GSRS system, “Supplier-Operation Ranking on Delivery” will be the opening screen. In this page, each Supplier-Operation is showed clearly in both graph and table.The explanation of the graph is provided on the right side of the page (see pink frame) Change the table like this slide in the next few pages.
Ranking Tab -2 In this example of screenshot, the ranking on Delivery of Supplier-Operation 1 with score 25 is in the 1st position in graph. (see darker blue bar in graph) The table under graph shows the Rank # (sequence number of ranking), No.suppliers (the number of suppliers who have the same score), Supplier-Operation (names), Delivery (scores). There are more results of sub-criteria (e.g. CLIP%) which Supplier XXX could click on. (see purple frame) Fill in the empty table
Ranking Tab -3 New page split function. (see red frame) Competitor’s name of suppliers remain invisible Fill in the empty table Change the explanation of legends
Ranking Tab -4 In this example of screenshot, Supplier-Operation 1 has a ranking of 100% on CLIP%. The screen shows the rank of ORT suppliers based on the CLIP value
Ranking Tab -5 If you click on RANKING, the ranking list will appear. At the moment you click on “Quality”, “Quality” button will be highlight by orange color.
Supplier Tab (Snapshot view) You start your view from the highest level of the supplier’s organisation (in this example CTR = Contract-to-Supplier level) The “SNAPSHOT” view (in upper red frame) delivers the result of the selected month across all rated criteria, with a total score provided You can drill down (See the left bottom of the page) from the total score to find more detailed results for specific suppliers and rankings.
Supplier Tab (Trend view) You start your view from the highest level of the supplier’s organisation (in this example CTR = Contract-to-Supplier level) The “TREND” view (See upper red frame) delivers a 12 month period ending with the selected month In the table at the bottom, you can click on the Supplier name and scores from previous months to analyze the historic performance.
Supplier Tab (Drilling down -1) By clicking on a specific month or result from previous slide example, you will find the overall result of all your operations. This can be seen in the screen shot illustrated by Supplier A, B, and C You can then click on the total score of the supplier you are interested in, to get more detailed results (see next slide)
Supplier Tab (Drilling down -2) This screen shows your specific Supplier-Operation results. You can then drill down further by clicking on a specific score as indicated by the red frame as shown below.
Supplier Tab (Drilling down -3) The screen below shows the CLIP value of the 12NC for the Supplier-Operation you just chose “12NC search function” helps you to search 12NC directly. (See pink frame) For more result, you might fill in the page number in page search box, and click “go”. (See orange frame) By clicking on the CLIP result you drill down further
Supplier Tab (Drilling down -4) This screen shows the CLIP Detail of 12 NC on PO level. By clicking on the CLIP detail, you drill down further to schedule line information. (In this example by drilling down (clicking) on the “detail” in red frame. The result page is displayed on the next slide)
Supplier Tab (Drilling down -5) The next screen shows the schedule information where the scheduled delivery and actual delivery is displayed for the 12NC. In the example below, the result was “OK”, therefore 100% is given on CLIP%. (See pink frame) By clicking on the other sub-criteria (RLIP, OLIP, and CVP), you could get the relevant result which relate to the same 12NC.
Current Month Tab -1 The application is calculating the overall results once a month and creates the related scores and graphs The past months will be updated at the beginning of the new Philips month. In the current month tab, intermediate results are available. To quickly search for specific delivery details to a Philips operation, you can use the “Current Month Tab”
Current Month Tab -2 You simply fill in the specific data you are searching for You can search either by PO line or by 12NC Part and by rating sub-criteria e.g. CLIP
Action List Tab The “ACTION LIST” tab allows you to provide feedback or announce initiatives and corrective actions. This is accessible for both Philips users and suppliers. Only the creator of an issue can close this action point You have basic filter and sorting functions available. (See pink frame) Page split function guides you the total page number, page search function, and etc. (See red frame).
User Profile Tab In user profile you can change your individual password You can also adjust other information But you have no authority to change Division and Company name.
Help Tab “Help” tab has two functions: contact and Supplier documentation. Contact: directly connect you with support desk via email Supplier documentation: connects you to the documentation for suppliers Change the webpage after WI revise it.