1 Monoenergetic proton radiography of laser-plasma interactions and capsule implosions 2.7 mm 15-MeV proton backlighter (imploded D 3 He-filled capsule) Protons per unit area on detector C. K. Li & R. D. Petrasso MIT FSC annual meeting Chicago, Feb 28, 2007 Imploding cone-in-shell capsule Imaging detector
2 R. Betti J. P. Knauer D. D. Meyerhofer W. Theobald LLE Collaborators J. A. Frenje C. K. Li* R. D. Petrasso J. R. Rygg* F. H. Séguin MIT * PI of Feb. 14 experiments
3 Summary: Compelling radiographic data were obtained in 14 Feb FSC experiments Monoenergetic proton radiography February 14 experiments with laser-plasma interactions and capsule implosions o Excellent data obtained o Processing & analysis are underway Future work
4 A monoenergetic backlighter in the form of a capsule implosion has unique features Laser Backlighter Implosion EpEp B Monoenergetic proton spectrum Monoenergetic – quantitative results ► from trajectory displacements (due to fields) ► from energy loss (due to slowing in matter) Isotropic – wide field of view – multiple experiments simultaneously at different angles Different particles can be used for different experiments CR-39 Detector Subject: implosion or laser-foil interaction
5 CR-39 detectors can be configured to match particle Backlighter capsule Object imaged CR-39 ( 1000-µm-thick ) Filters For the Feb 14 experiments, only a fraction of the back pieces of CR-39 have been processed
6 Monoenergetic protons can be divided into beamlets for deflectometry of magnetic fields protons Simulation of magnetic bubble Image data mesh Li et al., PRL 2006
7 D 3 He p (x100) DD p T 3 He D ( 100) DT Different charged, monoenergetic particles can be matched to the fields and ρR of an HED experiment OMEGA shot ρR : ~ 5 to ~ 300 mg/cm 2 r gyro : differ by ~ X 5 Séguin et al., RSI 2003
8 FSC radiography experiments – February 14, 2007 Experiments 1-3: B fields o Laser-plasma interactions o Effects of Au boundary Experiments 4-6: Fields and ρL in capsule implosions o Cone-in-shell capsules o Spherical capsules
9 Experiments 1-3: B fields laser-plasma interactions & effects of Au boundary 6-beam ring CH foil Ni mesh 6-beam ring Au tube CH foil back-side beam front- side beam (1)* 6-beam ring (2)* 6-beam ring with Au tube (3) beams on front and back * Preliminary data shown here
10 Experiments 4-6: Fields and ρ L in capsule implosions cone-in-shell capsules & spherical capsules * Preliminary data shown here (4)* Cone-in-shell capsule (5) Spherical capsule, symmetric drive (6) Spherical capsule, asymmetric drive
11 Multiple experiments were performed simultaneously, taking advantage of the isotropic backlighter Backlighter Capsule Object Foil TCC TIM3 TIM6 Cone Au Tube
12 Experiments 1 & 2: B fields generated by a ring of beams on a CH foil, with and without an Au tube AuProtons CH Side viewTop view
13 Experiments 1 & 2: Preliminary data 0 ns0.5 ns1.5 ns With Au tube Without Au tube 5 mm Time
14 Experiment 4: First observation of rippled field structure outside an imploding capsule! 2.7 mm 15-MeV proton backlighter Protons per unit area on detector Imploding cone-in-shell capsule Imaging detector
15 Experiment 4: Preliminary data Proton fluence image (darker means more protons) Proton energy image (darker means lower energy, higher ∫ ρ dl ) 2.7 mm Visible light photograph Before implosion: During implosion (1.5 ns): Time
16 Work required to finish study of February 14, 2007 data Process remaining detector data Analyze B fields and ρ L in implosions o Cone-in-shell capsules o Spherical capsules with symmetric drive o Spherical capsules with asymmetric drive Analyze B fields due to 6 laser beams on CH foil o Without Au tube o With Au tube Analyze B fields in front- & back-side laser-plasma interactions Submit scientific papers and report on these efforts.
17 Where we’re going Develop new radiography analysis methods Develop improved radiography detector methods Pursue experiments in fuel assembly: ρ R, ρR asymmetries, fields, fusion burn images Request 2 shot days in next year
18 New detector configurations with stacks of thin CR-39 will be developed 500-µm - thick CR-39 Signals on all surfaces
19 Yield / MeV 8x MeV 15 C. Stoeckl, et al., Plasma Phys. and Control. Fusion (2005) Mass assembly for Fast Ignition will be studied by combining proton spectrometry and radiography
20 Summary: Compelling radiographic data were obtained in 14 Feb FSC experiments Monoenergetic proton radiography February 14 experiments with laser-plasma interactions and capsule implosions o Excellent data obtained o Processing & analysis are underway Future work