**Develops the understanding of the Visual Elements: Shape and Form Chapter 5 Shape and Form *Utilizes and applies knowledge of elements of art and principles of design. **Develops the understanding of the Visual Elements: Shape and Form
Shape Positive shape Pattern Negative shape Form Closure Figure-ground Closed form
Foreshortening Open form Ellipse Organic shape Shape constancy Geometric shape Size constancy
Chapter 5 Study Questions A shape is a two dimensional area with a recognizable boundary; it has only height and width. A form is three-dimensiona; it has height, width, and depth. Lines can describe shapes; the edge of a shape implies a line. A figure seems to stand out from a ground; the ground appears to be underneath and surrounding a figure.
4. Positive shapes refers to the figure and negative shape to the ground. 5. Circle Limit IV, by M.C. Escher (fig.5-5) 6. Visually connecting the dots to see a shape such as a circle or two squares as pictured in text figures 5-6 and 5-7; or visually connecting shapes to see an image such as a locomotive in text figure 5-8. 7, The tendency to see a shape as unchanging regardless of the viewing angle.
*Explain how organic and geometric shapes and forms, and open and closed forms can relate to expressive qualities in artworks. **Produce organic and geometric shapes
Chapter 6 Rationale Color is one of the most powerful elements the artist uses for expression. Color is also a powerful element for prompting aesthetic responses. Color is reflected light which the artist controls to create contrasts and values, moods, and expressive qualities.
Essential Concepts Explain the color qualities of hue, value and intensity Identify hue, value, and intensity variations, that are used to make objects appear three-dimensional, and contribute to the illusion of depth in artworks Recognize and discuss artworks in which value and color communicate mood or emotion
Chapter 6 STUDY QUESTIONS Range of light and dark in a picture. To make something in a picture appear three-dimensional, to represent the effects of reflected light, to help establish a mood. Answers will vary
4. Color is a property of light 5.The band of colors formed when a beam of white light is broken up by passing through a prism; consists of seven rays, each visible as a different color.
It absorbs every color except red, which it reflects. Mixing colored lights is additive; when all colors are combined, the result is white (text fig. 6-13). Combining colored pigments is subtractive, and results in darker colors. A black surface absorbs all colors. Red, yellow, and blue. By mixing equal amounts of two primary colors. Green, orange, and violet
10.Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green. By mixing unequal amounts of two primary colors (e.g., two parts of red and one part blue produce red-violet). 11. A formal arrangement of the primary, secondary, and intermediate colors 12. By adding white to a color. 13. Darker values of a color 14. They have no identifiable hues.
Opposite each other. Red-green, yellow-violet, blue-orange. The resulting color will be duller than either the original color or its complement. Answers will vary. For example: Hue interaction—Violet will appear more blue next to red. Value interaction—A medium-gray circle will appear darker on top of a white square than on a black square. Intensity interaction—A medium yellow will appear more intense next to a neutral than it will on top of a bright yellow.
18.Blue-green, blue, blue-violet, violet. 19. Tints and shades of one hue. 20. Reds, yellow, oranges. 21. Greens, blues, violets. 22. Answers will vary 23. A secondary color scheme, or a secondary triad.