NOTES: Jupiter 11.2 D(earth) -150 C Outer ammonia crystal cloud 80% H, 19% He, traces of water, methane, ammonia Large magnetic field--over 10x Earth's Differential rotation 9.8 hrs at equator Features: Great Red Spot--cyclonic storm, lasting over 300 yrs. Belts (darker outward flow), and zones (lighter inward flow). Liquid and solid metallic hydrogen in core--p's & e-s--current 6% oblate sphere. A ring of dust particles. Large Van Allen Belts. Emits more energy than it receives (true of all Jovian Planets). Visiting Spacecraft: Pioneer 10, 11 flyby, 1979 Voyager I & II moons Galileo plunged into atmosphere--found less water than expected. Satellites: 80 and counting
Jupiter: 11.2 D(earth) -150 C Outer ammonia crystal cloud
80% H, 19% He, traces of water, methane, ammonia
Large magnetic field--over 14x Earth's In magnitude, 1,000x the energy content.
Differential rotation: 9.8 hrs at equator, 11 hours at the poles.
Features: Great Red Spot--cyclonic storm, size of several Earths, lasting over 300 yrs.
Belts (darker inward flow), and zones (lighter outward flow).
Liquid and solid metallic hydrogen in core caused by pressure --protons & electrons current strong magnetic field.
Jupiter and all the gas giants are oblate spheroids. Why? Centrifugal force and tidal force from sun. Jupiter: 6% oblate sphere.
A ring of dust particles in the path of the moon, Io. Also, large Van Allen Belts.
Emits more energy than it receives (true of all Jovian Planets). The planet is still contracting and converting gravitational Energy into heat.
Early Visiting Spacecraft: Pioneer 10, 11 flyby, 1979 Voyager I & II moons
1997--Galileo dropped probe into atmosphere --found less water than expected.
Then Galileo went on to explore the moons of Jupiter --up closer and personal! Satellites: 80 and counting 4 Galilean moons about size of Mercury.
Io: 9 volcanic plumes, unique surface volcanism, terraced hills at poles.
This Voyager image of Ra Patera, a large shield volcano on Io, shows colorful flows up to 200 miles long emanating from the dark central volcanic vent.
Io, the pizza crust moon Heated by tidal force of big passing moons.
Europa --streaks and fissures in ice crust a few km wide. Life underneath ice? --liquid subsurface ocean?
Ganymede—largest Jupiterian moon, had plate techtonics in past, multiple parallel ridges like ruffled potato chip, cratering. dark region of original surface.
Callisto —most battered moon in the solar system --vast crater-Valhalla--with ruffled rings, ice & rock.