Using Value and Color to create Atmospheric Perspective Ms. Blaylock.


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Presentation transcript:

Using Value and Color to create Atmospheric Perspective Ms. Blaylock

Reminders!!! Value refers to all the lights and darks found in a work of art. Value ranges from black to white, with shades of gray in between. Value can be applied to color hue, or it can remain black in white (gray scale).

Reminders!!! A monochromatic color scheme is one color and its tints and shades.

Remember: Shades/Shadows are created by adding black paint to your hue (color) Tints/highlights are created by adding white paint to your hue (color)

Now for something new… Atmospheric Perspective- The illusion that an image had depth and 3-dinemsional space.

When you create atmospheric perspective, you will treat the objects in the front or foreground differently than the objects in the back. How do things change as they go back in space?

When using atmospheric perspective hues more bluish & more pale outlines less precise small details lost color contrasts muted gradual transition

Why do things change in appearance as they go back in space? The air is full of stuff! In between you and those mountains there is an atmosphere that distorts the appearance of objects. As the objects get further back the color and details become less visible. Hint* It has something to do with the atmosphere…

David Hockney, Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures), 1971

Why do astronauts get disoriented on the moon?

Because there is no atmosphere and no atmospheric perspective.

Your Assignment: First, you will practice making shades and tints with paint. 1.Divide a sheet of manila paper into 3 columns of 5 squares. 2. Use tempera paint to color the third square of each row with a primary color. 3. Add white to each primary color to paint in the next square, then lighten again and paint in the last square. Do this for each row of primary colors. 4. Add black to each primary color to paint in the square on the other side of each primary color, then darken again to paint in the last square. Do this for each row of primary color s.

Your Assignment continued: You will create a painting… Your painting will show atmospheric perspective, using a the value changes in a monochromatic color scheme.

Before we start practicing with paint, lets practice with graphite and colored pencils… I am going to show you several picture of atmospheric perspectives. I want you to draw the contour lines of these pictures, quickly. Then color the images darker in the front and lighter as they go further back.

Start at the bottom!!! These objects overlap, so it is best to start with the object closest to you.

Can anyone guess where this picture was taken?