Evidence Based Instruction & Grading in the Economics Classroom Sandra Wright PhD CEE Annual Conference 2014 Dallas, TX
“Student performance must be based on professional decisions supported by evidence.” Gusky (2000) UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN Wiggins and McTighe Standards objectives and course description Assessment product Instructional Strategies Lesson units Assessments should provide evidence about proficiency ; patterns of correct and incorrect understanding, not be 5/10
Essential Questions to Start the Conversation 1. What is “your” class about? 2. What motivates students to improve performance? 3. Can students RETAKE ASSESSMENTS/RE-PERFORM? 4. How many times can a student RETAKE/RE-PERFORM? 5. What is the purpose of homework? 6. What is evidence of student proficiency?
A 3 tiered hierarchy Standards, Objectives and Student Learning Targets
What it all means… Content Standard: A statement describing Knowledge or skills in a content area. These are the BUCKETS in which all objectives sit. Course Objectives: A statement describing the knowledge or skills to be learned in a course. Describes the intended outcome of the lesson. WHAT IS BEING ASSESSED. Concepts or skills to be learned as a result of a specific lesson. Student Learning Targets: A statement of HOW WELL an objective/skill is being met. Represents a gradation. Anthony Reibel, Director of Assessment, Research and Evaluation, AE Stevenson HS
Econ Content Standards Use Economic decision making in a micro/macro context. Applying macro/micro economic theory to real world situations. Illustrating macro/micro economic theory using appropriate models. Using economic readings and informational text sources to write critically. See handouts for alignment to Common Core Standards and C3 Framework
4 Key Components of Learning Targets Measurable Proficiency (How Well) Gradation Make Thinking Visible See AP Macro, AP Micro, CP Econ Learning Targets to get an idea of this in action
What is the purpose of scaling? Identify levels of quality Create a clear relation to proficiency Provide constructive feedback and communication Establishes clear criteria for each level Provides motivation for improvement
Where we scale in ECON Daily Formative Assessments Multiple Choice Assessments Free Response Questions Document Based Questions: Econ Data Tables/Graphs Article Analysis
How do we do it? Step 1: Where is the measureable piece? Step 2: Ask yourself HOW WELL does a student have to do this to be proficient or a 3 Step 3: Start by writing your proficient level and write one up and one down Step 4: Were you consistent with the measurable piece when writing the target? Step 5: Is this target in front of me actually another level of proficiency? THE MORE IT CAN TRANSEND OTHER UNITS THE BETTER THE TARGET IS Targets should not be do/don’t but a level/process (on off vs. dimmer and brighter vs. darker) Gradations!!! Not Toggle
EX: Skills Objective 2: I can analyze an economic model (Analyze) Level 4 I can interpret a self-created economic model by explaining with evidence how it illustrates an economic concept and is connected to other models. 3I can interpret a self-created economic model by explaining with evidence how it illustrates an economic concept. 2I can interpret an economic model by explaining with evidence how it illustrates an economic concept. 1I can interpret an economic model by identifying the accurate context.
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economics/ap-macroeconomics/ap- macroeconomics-learning-targets economics/ap-macroeconomics/ap- macroeconomics-learning-targets economics/ap-microeconomics/i-ap-micro-scaled- learning-targets economics/ap-microeconomics/i-ap-micro-scaled- learning-targets economics/college-prep-economics/i-college-prep- economics-scaled-learning-targets economics/college-prep-economics/i-college-prep- economics-scaled-learning-targets
5 Musts of Formative Assessment 1. Must provide effective feedback: clarify what good performance is 2. Must involve students in their own learning: 3. Must allow for adjustments in instruction based on assessment results 4. Must increase motivation and self-esteem 5. Must directly and clearly outline how to improve
The tough stuff Clearly defined essential understandings and student performance outcomes exist for every unit of instruction. (Articulated and Measurable Learning Targets)
THE PLAN Learning TargetType of Target Assessment Method Formative or Summative Evidence I can interpret a self- created economic model by explaining with evidence how it illustrates an economic concept. Knowledge /Skill Short process responses Form8 problems FRQ
Targeted Practice and Remediation
Targeted Practice and Remediation