Quiz #1- Review Quiz #1 REVIEW Drawing Drawing
Quiz #1- Review UNIT 1: Intro to Drawing Drawing
3 Main Drawing Styles Realistic Stylized Abstract Unit 1- Intro to Drawing 3 Main Drawing Styles http://drawworm.blogspot.com/2010/09/realistic-vs-stylized.html Realistic Stylized Abstract
3 Main Drawing Styles Realistic- the drawing looks like the object Unit 1- Intro to Drawing 3 Main Drawing Styles Realistic- the drawing looks like the object Stylized- the drawing looks like the object, but is exaggerated somehow Abstract- doesn’t depict a person, place, or thing http://drawworm.blogspot.com/2010/09/realistic-vs-stylized.html
Unit 1- Intro to Drawing Using Your Memory An artist should not rely on his or her memory to draw something realistically! To draw an object accurately, draw it from life or use a reference image http://drawworm.blogspot.com/2010/09/realistic-vs-stylized.html
Definition: Tools used to create an artwork 7 Elements of Art Definition: Tools used to create an artwork TEXTURE FORM LINE SHAPE SPACE VALUE COLOR
Quiz #1- Review UNIT 2: Contour Line Drawing Drawing
Definition & 3 Elements of Art Quiz #1- Review Definition & 3 Elements of Art Contour Line = An outline that defines an object Elements of Art: Line- Defines the object’s shape, adds interior details; creates shape and space Shape- 2D, or flat; geometric or organic (circle, square, triangle, etc.) Space- Taken up by the subject (positive) or lack thereof (negative) Drawing
Scale vs. Proportion Scale- Refers to the size of an object Quiz #1- Review Scale vs. Proportion Scale- Refers to the size of an object Proportion- Part of an object in relation to its whole Drawing
Drawing Symmetrical Objects Quiz #1- Review Drawing Symmetrical Objects Begin by drawing an axis of symmetry line Next, draw circles or ellipses to break up the object’s planes Lastly, use contour lines to establish the shape of the object Drawing
Drawing Organic Objects with Basic Shapes Quiz #1- Review Drawing Organic Objects with Basic Shapes Use this technique to maintain scale and proportion Drawing
Drawing Rectangular Prisms (Boxes) Quiz #1- Review Drawing Rectangular Prisms (Boxes) Check the angles of each part of the box with your pencil (close one eye, and hold pencil in the air) Drawing
Drawing Multiple Objects Quiz #1- Review Drawing Multiple Objects Use reference lines and measuring with pencil to compare scale and proportion of objects What are reference lines? Reference lines made between objects to determine correct scale, proportions, height, spacing, etc. of multiple objects Drawing
Sketching Media Pencils- Quiz #1- Review Sketching Media Pencils- H pencils are preferable because they sketch lighter, and may be easier to erase (HB, 2H, or 4H) Charcoal- Vine charcoal is easiest to erase Drawing
Quiz #1- Review UNIT 3: Grayscale Rendering Drawing
Definition & 3 Elements of Art Quiz #1- Review Definition & 3 Elements of Art Rendering = the process of creating, shading, and texturing an image, especially a realistic one Elements of Art: Value- Degree of light and dark on a scale (tints, midtones, shades) Form- 3D version of Shape; has dimension (spheres, cylinders, cones, etc.) Texture- The way something feels when it’s touched (visual texture) Drawing
Terminology- Value Scale & Contrast Quiz #1- Review Terminology- Value Scale & Contrast Value Scale- Shows the range of available values Tints = lightest values Midtones = medium values Shades = darkest values Value Contrast- The difference between light and dark areas. The more contrast, the better the drawing TINTS MIDTONES SHADES Drawing
Terminology- Value Application Quiz #1- Review Terminology- Value Application Transitional Value Change- Gradual; usually happens when an object’s form is rounded Abrupt Value Change- More sudden (i.e. From a 1 to a 5); happens to planar and reflective objects Drawing
Quiz #1- Review Rendering Techniques Shading- Applying value to a drawing in even strokes Hatching- Creating value with lines Crosshatching =Two sets of perpendicular Stippling- Applying value to a drawing with small dots SHADING HATCHING STIPPLING Drawing
Medium: Drawing Pencils Quiz #1- Review Medium: Drawing Pencils 6B 2B HB 2H 4H Made of graphite and wood Darkest to Lightest (Softest to hardest): 6B 4H No finger-smudging! Can use a blending stick instead Drawing
Medium: Charcoal Compressed = Darker Vine = Lighter Quiz #1- Review Medium: Charcoal Compressed = Darker Vine = Lighter Techniques: Reduction of value with kneaded eraser, blending (with tortillion, finger, cotton swab, etc.) Drawing
Quiz #1- Review UNIT 4: Color Rendering Drawing
Definition and Element of Art Quiz #1- Review Definition and Element of Art Element of Art: Color- The degree to which an object reflects or emits light Tertiary Colors- In between the main 6 colors. Examples: Red-orange, blue-green, yellow-green, red-violet Neutral Colors Black, white, gray, brown Drawing
Terminology- The Color Wheel Primary colors – RED, YELLOW, BLUE Secondary colors- GREEN, ORANGE, VIOLET Tertiary colors- yellow-orange, red- violet, green-blue, etc.
Terminology- Neutrals WHITE: When all light waves are reflected away from a surface, it appears white. BLACK: When all light waves are absorbed by a surface, it appears black. GRAY: The neutral tints and shades between white and black Neutral Colors Black, white, gray, brown
Color Terminology: HUE It’s just a fancy word for color! “Hue” defines pure color in terms such as Red, Green, Blue-Violet, Yellow-Orange http://www.workwithcolor.com/color-properties-definitions-0101.htm
Terminology- TINTS & SHADES TINT: A lighter version of a hue Add white! SHADE: A darker version of a hue Add black! TINTS SHADES
Terminology- TONE Adding gray to a pure hue
Terminology- BRIGHTNESS / INTENSITY The strength or weakness of a color Some colors are bright/vibrant/intense, and some are more dull/subdued http://www.workwithcolor.com/color-properties-definitions-0101.htm BRIGHT SUBDUED
Techniques- Layering & Blending Quiz #1- Review Techniques- Layering & Blending Layering- gradually building up color Blending- Mixing colors together Drawing
Medium- Colored Pencils Quiz #1- Review Medium- Colored Pencils Made of tubes of wood with an inner core of clay. Instead of graphite, a dye coloring agent is used. Meant to be layered Create a waxy appearance Good for fine detail Drawing
Quiz #1- Review Medium- Chalk Pastels Made of pure compressed powder pigment and a binder (gum arabic) Dusty, chalky appearance. Easily blended with fingers. Layered and blended more easily than colored pencils Drawing